Tuesday, June 30


Failed...WHAT?? June 30, 2009

So, this may come as a shock to some people--but I've never FAILED a test in my LIFE! Imagine my surprise when the nurse called and said, "Ms. Jones, You didn't pass your glucose test. You'll have to do another, more specialized one as soon as possible." WHAT?!?!?

Being the obedient and pleasing person that I am, I cooperated without much fuss and scheduled myself for the THREE HOUR TEST that would take place at some lab somewhere in the middle of this city I still know very little about. My appointment was at 10:00 am and the nurse said I couldn't have anything to eat or drink (besides water) after midnight the night before. Grrr. Why would anyone think that depriving a pregnant woman of food is a good idea?? Anyway, I woke up the morning of the test and it was POURING rain--so I laid in bed to try to distract myself from the gurggles of my rumbling hungry tummy. I got myself ready and grabbed some books and headed off to the testing site. When I got there, the nurse informed me that I'd better make myself comfortable because once the test began I could not leave for three hours. Goodie.

They called me back to draw the first vial of blood and the phlebotomist looks at my veins disappointedly and says, "awwh, they're kind of flat." Duh, I haven't eaten or had any significant fluids since 10 pm! She tried one arm, OUCH! But it didn't work, so she had to try the other arm--OUCH again, but this time it worked...thank you God! I hate being pricked! So then she says, now drink this. Yuck, yuck and more yuck. I hated it the first time and I really hated it the second time. I thought I would throw up--the drink was so sugary and nasty! Flat orange soda concentrate!

Then began the waiting and the sticking...over and over and over...until 3 hours, 5 vials, and 6 needle sticks later I was able to leave. What a day...

The one good thing is that I got to meet another prego girl there about my age who was going through the same thing. We exchanged numbers and who knows...maybe I'll have a new mommy friend! :)

Sunday, June 28

Getting Settled

getting settled June 28, 2009

So today was our official 1 week mark for being here. Hooray, I made it! Things are getting situated better and better each day as we unpack and rearrange and move things and sort things and give things to Goodwill. My kitchen is functional, the living room is liveable and the bedrooms--well, they are a mess and a half but serve their purpose!

The nursery is looking more and more complete! Josh finished painting for me yesterday (and even painted the bathroom that is attached, yeah!). He just has to finish the trimwork in the bathroom and the room will be complete!

Today he put the crib together while I was gone shopping! It looks great! Now I just have to pick out bedding (or fabric) and get going on the decorating part! I have my chair but need to figure out how to make it all work...it's exciting to think about a little person living in that room in just over 3 months!

Friday, June 26


new ob/gyn June 26, 2009

Today I had my first visit with my new doctor here. I really like the practice...it's small and personal feeling! Not like my practice back in Winston where they never even bother to remember who you are!

We met with the Nurse Practitioner who handles all new OB patients. She listened to little one's hearbeat and said it was strong and healthy sounding! They made me take the horrible glucose test this time--which wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be. I basically had to drink a lot of really sugary flat orange soda. No results yet, but hopefully no issues there.

The office made my appointments for the rest of my pregnancy...I see them every two weeks now until week 36, then every week until I deliver! It's really exciting!

I have a good feeling about this practice and think it's going to be just right for us!

Wednesday, June 24

Paper, Paper...EVERYWHERE!

So I'm pretty sure that the moving company used an entire forest worth of paper and boxes to move us. I didn't really pay attention to how much packing paper the guys were using when they were packing us up--but boy do I see it now!

Of the 150 or more boxes we unpacked, there was on average about 15 sheets of 2'x3' paper in each one. Not to mention the kitchen boxes (probably 15) which had exponentially more paper because they wrapped every piece in 4-5 sheets! My tupperware has never been so safe! We started throwing the paper down the stair well to get it out of the way and soon we noticed that it was filling up. There was a sea of paper so high and deep that to get outside you had to "swim" through it. Grant enjoyed it, we think. He kept romping around in it trying to get back and forth. I took a picture of Josh standing in the paper, I'll try to post it soon...

Most of you know that Josh is extremely eco-conscious (which I appreciate and try to emulate). While most people would have stuffed the paper into as many plastic garbage bags as it took, my hubby had other plans. He decided it would be best to stack all of the paper in one place. About 5 hours later, we had flattened and stacked each sheet of paper (we're talking thousands people) into nice neat piles. I think I gave myself the same paper cut four times.

Thank you Atlas Moving Co, Thank you Josh, Thank you trees. Thank you God that it's almost over...

Tuesday, June 23

loading and unloading

loading and unloading June 23, 2009

The loading part wasn't hard at all...for me, that is. The poor guys that were loading the truck had to move all our stuff on one of the hottest days in Winston! I did keep them hydrated though, or at least I tried! They started around 8:30 Friday morning and two houses later (they made a trip to "In-Laws-Storage" to pick up more stuff) they finished around 4 pm. Would you believe we had that much to load? Sheesh.

Josh and I watched the gigantic truck pull away...I said a little prayer as it rolled up Linda and Joseph's driveway: "Please let our stuff make it to Florida on time (Tuesday am) and without any damage!"

We drove down Sunday morning around 9:00 with the car loaded down with stuff we weren't allowed to pack in the truck and Grant, of course. The poor guy only had half a seat to lie down upon, but did he complain once? Nope...just slept like a baby, the whole ten hour drive! I, on the other hand, did not...it was a pretty long drive and somewhat uncomfortable with this ever-growing belly of mine.

About 7:00 Sunday night we arrived to our new home in St. Pete...finally. We turned the keys and walked into a very hollow feeling house. Grant was excited, as he always enjoys exploring new places. I was a little less excited when I saw the air matress I would be sleeping upon the next two nights.

Monday morning I decided we should take advantage of the empty house and paint the nursery! So we headed off to Lowe's and bought paint (VOC free, thanks to Kelly's advice) and a few other supplies we thought we'd need for the move. We spent a lot of the afternoon painting but didn't finish like I wanted too, oh well!

So Tuesday am finally comes and we get the call from the movers letting us know they had made it! Whew. What a relief. They came to the door and surveyed the place. I knew it was a bad sign when one of them said, "hmm, these stairs look narrow". Uh-oh.

The poor guys were again stuck in a major heat wave..it was 98 degrees that day by 9:30 in the morning...what a tough job! They seriously earned their pay that day!

We had a few bobbles with the move in--our headboard for our bed (designed and built by Josh and Joseph) proved to be the most frustrated of them all. First off, it could be called Beauty and the Beast--it's gorgeous but a nightmare to move. It probably weighs several hundred pounds and is as tall as I am. The guys just barely got it up the first flight of stairs (with Josh's help) and managed to chip a piece off of one of the feet. NOT GOOD. After they assessed the second stair case, they realized that it just wasn't going to make it up. This house was designed for people with "take-apart-able" furniture...

So now the headboard is sitting against the wall in Josh's office/guestroom. It looks really great there--totally looks like it belongs (NOT!!). Grrrr. We're sleeping on our matress on the floor because without the headboard we can't put the rails on--but at least it's a real matress and not the Aerobed!

The movers boogered up the walls in almost every room, but I guess that's to be expected and it's nothing a little paint won't fix.

So, all in all it wasn't horrible--we just don't have nearly enough storage space for everything. It's amazing how much space we actually had in Wilmington. What a difference a couple of closets and an attic makes! We probably should have left way more in Winston but we didn't want to overload Linda and Joseph with more stuff--since half my classroom is currently being stored there! Thanks "MOM and DAD" :)

Next step: UNPACKING! Lord help me!

Thursday, June 18

Packing Up

packing up... June 18, 2009


RJR hired packers as part of the moving compensation with the job. Pretty cool to just sit back and watch someone else do all the work! The uncool thing, however, is that I am going to have ZERO CLUE about where things are...SURPRISE! Maybe it will be as fun as Christmas...(yeah, right).

Sunday, June 14

Moving in the belly...Moving next week!

moving in the belly and moving next week June 14, 2009

So, Josh is already in Florida and has been since May 30. We're doing alright living apart, but I miss him~and I feel sure he's pretty bored down there without any furniture or Grant!

He is enjoying his work so far, but is ready to get past the training and move forward to working solo. The company gave him a 2008 Ford Escape to use for work and personal use, which will be nice since Josh was determined not to trade the Accord for an SUV (much to my dismay). I was happy to hear that we'll be able to travel a bit easier on long roadtrips!

I'm happy to finally have a moving date...the packers come Thursday and the movers load it up on Friday. Crazy to think that our time here in Winston is over--it really feels like it just started! I'm excited and nervous about moving in to our place in Florida. Josh says the neighbors are friendly and the location is pretty convenient.

Speaking of moving, I have been feeling LJ (Little Jones) move around so much! It's amazing to feel him kicking and spreading out in there. He seems to be most active a few hours after I eat! I guess he gets energized! He must be growing because my belly is getting bigger by the minute (or so it seems). I've decided to post a new belly pic every two weeks for a more dramatic change (although there may be a wider gap this time because of the move!).

I might have more ultrasound pics in a few weeks too. I'm supposed to have my new OB appointment on Tuesday the 23rd at 9:15. I'm hoping that doesn't interfere with the moving company's arrival of our stuff! I might have to reschedule that!

Monday, June 1

Ultrasound Looks Good!

ultrasound looks good! June 01, 2009

Hooray! Everything looks good! Our last ultrasound was on Friday as a precautionary follow-up for weird placenta issues. The doctor had a good look at couldn't find anything wrong! The placenta had moved itself up to where it's supposed to be...needless to say Josh and I were relieved and thankful. It was a bit stressful thinking that something could go wrong (which I guess could still happen, but I won't be worrying about it as much)!

I got back from taking Josh to Florida today. He's there for good, starting work sometime soon. He was supposed to start today but Reynolds wasn't quite ready for him--so basically he's stuck in a hotel room with nothing to do! Ugh. We had a great time checking out St. Pete together and trying to get a feel for where we'll be living. The townhouse we're renting will be nice enough...a bit small for guests but overall it will do nicely. I'll have two flights of stairs to truck up and down, but maybe I'll get some built in exercise, right?

I go back to the doctor for my regular 4 week appointment tomorrow. It will be the last one with this practice, thankfully! I'm looking forward to finding a different practice with doctors and staff that might actually know me! I can't wait to start taking child-birth classes there and get a tour of the hospital! So many things to look forward to!

We'll make our move sometime on or before Father's Day weekend--that is, IF, Reynolds ever contacts us about the moving company! Big business...grrrr.

About Me

My photo
We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, NC...now living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".