Monday, August 24

Cloth Diapering...Yes, I'm trying it!

Cloth Diapering...Yes, I'm Gonna Try It! August 24, 2009

Why Cloth Diaper?

I've decided to try cloth diapering and have gotten mixed reviews from people I've told. So...while doing some research, I came across this "thesis" on a website and thought it simplfied the basic reasons I'd like to try it. If any of you out there are thinking to yourself, "I know Emily Anne and she won't last a week doing this..." then you aren't thinking anything that I haven't already thought myself. BUT, I do believe that it would be a HUGE contribution to the environment and beneficial to my child's, just say what you want to yourself and if I give up, then you can tell me what you were really thinking.

A ‘Thesis” by Kim Stinson (from

1. Cost

a. Yes, there’s a little sticker shock on the price of cloth

b. However, over time cloth is the cheaper choice

i. Disposables = 7500 changes x $.25 = $1,875!

ii. Luxury Cloth = 54 diapers x $17.95 = $969

+ Laundry $800 = $1769

iii. Bargain Cloth = 54 diapers & covers = $250

+ Laundry $800 = $1050

*I think this is a high estimate of how many cloth diapers I would purchase...I'm thinking half that amount!

2. Environment

a. The sheer volume of trash. It’s gotta go somewhere somehow. That means a truck on the road using energy picking up the bag each week. Then it usually goes to landfills.

b. There’s seepage from the feces that doesn’t get processed like through the sewer system. If you read a box of disposables, users are to flush feces. Oops. In Pinellas County, Florida trash is incinerated and made into energy, but still it’s unnecessary waste.

3. Chemicals on Baby’s Tush

a. The Gel (crystals) in disposables is a chemical called sodium acrylate, a polymer able to hold many times its weight in water. Listed on material safety data sheets as “Skin, eye and respiratory irritant.” Banned from tampons in 1985 for its’ direct link to Toxic Shock Syndrome.

b. Dioxin is a contaminant byproduct of the chlorine bleaching process. Noted to be as hazardous as plutonium. Risks include cancer, birth defects and reproduction issues, Not being produced as much now, but still in environment from decades ago. Dioxin is absorbed through respiration, diet or skin contact.

c. Information about the actual dioxin content of a disposable diaper is quite scant. Three studies show no dioxin; however, they show presence of a close cousin to dioxion - furan (TCDF). Slighly less potent, furan exhibits similar toxic properties. Although both dioxin and furan are known to migrate from paper products to the skin, little is known about the amount transferred to baby's bottom.

4. Much cuter than disposables

There’s a reason why the photographers at the mall photo studio give you a cover to put over the disposable when Junior is getting his photo taken. Today’s bright colors and fun prints are world’s cuter than those plain ol’ white disposable diapers with some lame washed-on character print on the Velcro-like tabs.

5. It’s not that hard

a. Back in times pre-Maytag, diaper washing would have been difficult. I’ll go so far as to say pre-pocket diapers, washing would have been difficult. Now, there’s no soaking or dunking. The technological advances in fabric make waste roll off the diapers.

b. No pins necessary! Pocket diapers are hourglass shaped, many offer Velcro or snaps. Even if you use the rectangular pre-fold diapers, there’s nifty waterproof covers with light materials that eliminate the need for uncomfortable and hard to use ‘plastic pants.’ If you feel you must fasten the prefold, there’s Snappis – clever ‘Y’ shaped fasteners.

c. Most cities don’t have diaper services anymore, so you have to wash yourself. We’ve used cloth from about 6 weeks on. We throw the dipes in a wetbag. When full, we throw the bag plus contents in the washer for an extra two or three loads per week. That’s it. No scrubbing, dunking, no bleach. It’s not that hard!

6. Less Diaper Rash

a. Babies in disposables feel drier, so parents change less often but bacteria is still there!

b. More air circulation in cloth, hence less diaper rash. Possibly no diaper rash.

Tuesday, August 18

Wilmington Shower

Wilmington Shower! August 18, 2009

Despite the long day of traveling by plane and then four hours in a car driving to Wilmington, I had the pleasure of being honored at another wonderful baby shower. This time, it was given by my Wilmington friends. Amy, Tracey, Megan, and Hillary all got together and hosted a lovely day. We had yummy treats, including a delicious cake (complete with green baby booties) and fantastic punch. We played a great game where you had to write down the name of the baby animal that went with each adult. Who knew that a baby fox was called a "kit"? It was quite educational...I definitely didn't win! There were over 30 people who attended and it was so special. Many of them were families and students from my former school as well as former colleagues. Others were friends from church that I hadn't seen in a while. I was overwhelmed with joy and love by the number of people who showed up to help me celebrate. It was a true outpouring of love and I can't thank everyone enough. I was especially honored by the attendance of Josh's first cousin Lindy, who drove all the way from Rhode Island to be at the shower! I know her sisters would have come if they could have but just to have someone from that side of the family there was so special! I will post pictures from the shower as soon as someone emails some to me. I didn't take a single picture (it's kinda hard when you forget your camera) so I'm relying on my friends and family to send them.

Monday, August 10

Nursery is Finished! (mostly)

After searching through six different fabric stores in two states, and countless hours of sewing and ironing (and with unbelievable patience and skill from my mom), the nursery is FINALLY FINISHED (minus a few decorative touches)!

Grant had to test the crib before we put his "little brother" in it.
My mom came down this past weekend and helped me make all the nursery bedding and decor! All that's left is to put up some black and white photos of our little guy once he arrives. Those pictures will go in a collage frame above the changing table.
For now, enjoy the room--it's likely the last time anyone will see it this clean and neat!"

Thursday, August 6

Visit with Mom

Friday night I picked up mom from the airport here in St. Pete. We spent the next 5 days doing so many things together! The main goal was, of course, to complete the nursery...which we did! Hooray! But through that process we got to spend a lot of quality time together--much needed for both of us.

If there's one thing Mom and I do really well together, it's shopping. We took many shopping trips to various fabric stores, TJMaxx and Marshalls, shoe stores, decorator stores and one little harmless trip to the International Mall! :) I learned all my best shopping tricks from her, so it's no surprise that we can really do some damage when we're together.

Tuesday, disguised as a way to exercise, we took a trip to the beach! This was the first time since living here that I had ventured out to the ocean. We went to Medeira Beach and it was absolutely lovely. I even have the t-shirt to prove it. :)

Wednesday, I had a doctor's appointment so I brough mom along. It was a routine 2 week check up and the doctor said I was measuring about 33 weeks. Does that mean I'm fatter than I should be? Or is baby bigger than he should be? Or is my due date off a little? Let's hope it's the later! Yikes! The heartbeat sounded fine and she said everything looked good. I'll go back in two more weeks for another check up. Only 8 weeks and 6 appointments left!

After the appointment, we decided to explore downtown St. Pete for a little while. Surprisingly, it's a city filled with lots of rich history and culture--heavily influenced by the early Spanish colonists. We were such tourists that we actually hopped on one of those trolley cars and rode around for a while. We learned quite a bit of interesting facts! The trolley dropped us off at "The Pier" which is home to little tourist shops, restaurants and the St. Pete Aquarium. We didn't have time to visit the aquarium, but we did get to see some dolphins outside in the bay! It started raining, so we decided to get back on the trolley. It took us by some more historical landmarks and eventually to our car. The whole trip only cost us $1.00 and it really was fun!

Later that afternoon, I took mom and her friend Glenda to the airport. It was hard saying goodbye after such a great visit together. It's hard to believe that the next time I will see her in person will be after our baby boy is here! She plans to fly down once he's born and stay a few days with us to help out. I can't wait to see her again!! Things will never be the same, huh?

About Me

My photo
We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".