Sunday, May 23

Driving to Church

This is me. In the S2000. With my hubby. No car seat. No baby. Is it a dream? Nope. Nana's in town...

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With Sally and Mac!
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Friday, May 21


Mom is less than 24 hours from being on her way to see us! She will arrive at PIE (St Petersburg Airport) around 1:30 tomorrow afternoon. We are so excited down here that we just don't know what to do...

What should I be doing? Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning...laundry, laundry, shopping, taking a shower, making baby food, running errands, etc., etc., etc....

What am I doing? Messing around on the computer, reading blogs, working on a project, listening to music, checking email, looking through pictures, washing dishes thinking about the dishes in the sink, etc., etc., etc...

Perhaps if I just remove myself from my computer I might get something else done before Landon wakes up from his nap. Where to begin?


He's what? I'll never get things done in time. Josh thinks I need Time Management Lessons...I think he's right.

Tuesday, May 18

First Strawberry!

I'm loving my first strawberry! My clothes are ruined, but I loved every drop of that juice! Yum-o!!!

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Saturday, May 15

Space mountain!


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Photo of the Day

On the monorail to the Magic Kingdom! This time its not raining whoo-hoo!!
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Saturday, May 8

Go Bananas!

I gave Landon a "self-feeder" with a piece of banana in it this afternoon. The feeder is basically a mesh bag attached to a piece of plastic with a handle (it reminds me of a "ring pop"). The idea is that the food strains itself on the way out and Landon learns how to get food for himself! It's a win-win for sure. He absolutely loved it...and the mess he made! Thanks Amber  and Chip, what a great gift! ;) Landon approves. He disapproved, however, of when I took it away! He pretty much went "bananas". (sorry, I had to say it!)

Dear Landon...Mommy's Gift for You!

Dear Landon,

Tomorrow is Mother's first official one. I'm so excited that I get to be your mother. I thank God that he's allowed me that honor. You are so perfect to me. No matter what life brings us both, I want you know how joyous I feel right now thinking about you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life being your Mommy.

Tomorrow is special in another way too. You're being dedicated to the Lord. It's a special thing that Mommy and Daddy are doing in front of everyone in our church to show how much we love you. We want you to grow up knowing the love that Jesus has for you...and the mighty power of our heavenly Father.

For this special day, I wanted you to have the most special outfit. I went through all your even had a "christening outfit" that was a gift...but you're too big for it. I searched through many stores in lots of places...and I even looked online for just the right thing. But...I came to the realization that the perfect outfit for you was in my head! So...I made it for you. That's right, your Mommy made it for you. This is one outfit that was officially made with love. I hope you like it.

Thank you for making me the most delighted mother in the world...


Thursday, May 6

Funny Sleeper

Sometimes I find Landon in really funny positions when he's sleeping. This one takes the cake. I really should fix the ties on his bumper...

Wednesday, May 5

First Swim!

Last weekend we thought we'd take Landon down to our pool and try out his sea legs. I tried to put him in the pool once before with his buddy Mac, but it was a little too cold for either one of their liking! It was 90 degrees when we took him the second time and...turns out, he likes the water quite a bit! He was a little hesitant at first...but once he got used to the cool water he really liked it! I held him for most of the time because he didn't really seem to love his little floatie. Maybe he'll learn to like it one day! Hooray for pools. Hooray for splashing. Hooray for fun. (boo for me in a bathing suit...gross!)

Monday, May 3

Butt Paste

Landon usually doesn't mind diaper changes but when he's cranky, Butt Paste sure does come in handy. Not sure why, but its his favorite toy right now. Maybe the developmental toy companies should take another look at their competition?

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Phone Disaster!

I was walking this morning with my dear friend Lorena as we usually try to do once a week. This morning was particularly beautiful and we both made the comment of how gorgeous it was today. I exclaimed, "I've got to take a picture of this for my blog." So I bent down to grab my phone out of the stroller basket only to find it swimming in a pool of water about 2 inches deep! My water mug had spilled out all over the place. I couldn't believe it! The whole time I'm thinking about how upset Josh was going to be, how much money it was going to cost, and how stupid I was to put my mug and my phone in the same place! Honestly, it was an accident but I probably should have known better! I immediately started trying to "dry it out" but it just wouldn't work. The screen would stay on but none of the buttons did anything! Lorena was so sweet and helped me get to the nearest Verizon store. She lent me her phone so I could call Josh and she stayed with Landon while I went into Verizon. When I walked into Verizon, I prayed for someone to have mercy on me! Fortunately, we bought insurance for our phones (which I had forgotten about) and it was going to cost me 89.00 to get a replacement phone. I thought that was much better than the 400.00 retail price I thought I would have to pay! Yikes! The insurance carrier said they'd overnight my phone to me and it would be here sometime tomorrow morning! Hooray!

Then I get home and Josh pulls in about 5 minutes behind me. It turns out he wasn't as mad as I thought (he's pretty good like that) but he was disappointed that the insurance deductable was so much. We thought it was only going to be 50 bucks! Then Josh took a look at my phone and decided to put it out in the sun for a little while....and wouldn't you know it, it's working now! Ugh! Now I'm not sure what to do about the insurance claim I already made this morning. If I can contact the company in time, maybe I can get them to send the phone back...and refund my money. But maybe not. Oh what a disaster...! At least I have a phone that way or the other.

About Me

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We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".