In other news, Landon has decided that he is no longer interested in nursing least not during daytime feedings. He likes his mommy milk when he wakes up (I guess I have a lot then) and he could take it or leave it during the day. In fact, he often gets very aggravated when I offer it to him. I have struggled so much with breastfeeding and I'm just about ready to throw in the towel. I guess I really can't control this (like I ever could?) and should just follow his lead. My question did babies like him survive before the creation of formula? Did their mothers just let them not drink anything until they got so thirsty and hungry that they had no other option but taking the breast again? Or did they just give them something else? Or maybe a lot of babies just didn't make it. I don't know...but what I do know, is what I feel. I feel guilty for not having enough milk for him. I feel sad that he doesn't have any interest in nursing me. I feel a little bit gypped that I am one of those mothers who actually wants to breastfeed...but am having such a hard time! And I know...everyone says not to put the pressure on myself about it, but how can you NOT? I'm supposed to be created to provide nourishment for him...for as long as I want to keep doing it. But apparently I'm not in control here...that is for sure!
He first started moving when he was determined to grab a "puff" from the floor. Now, Grant is quite a motivation for him as well. Enjoy the video...and if it doesn't work, enjoy the photos. :)