Monday, August 18

Catching up with Technology--or Trying... I go, into the blogging world. I always thought about doing it; all my friends do. But what do you think inspired me to finally get with it and go for it? A teacher workshop. That's right folks...a workshop. The information presented was interesting and scary all at the same time. It focused on the fact that our students these days don't need to be taught "stuff" (i.e. state capitals)...but rather how to access all the "stuff" out there (i.e.- blogs, websites, RSS feeds, etc.).

I decided I needed to catch up with the technology that's out there right now....I guess I'd fallen behind a bit. I'm not a big Myspacer or Facebooker and I rarely use the text feature on my phone. I figured I should at least have a blog and subscribe to some feeds. I am.

I think it might be fun. But will anyone actually read what I have to say? Hmmm...

1 comment:

test blog said...

Hey! I read it! :)
And I'm bookmarking it so I can keep up with the Joneses! Cute name.

So, did you do some blogging with your class? You are so right that we need to teach kids to know where to find information, not just memorize things. But even more than that, we need to teach them to determine if the info they find is valid/good information. That's where the real teaching begins!
Miss you!

About Me

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We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".