Thursday, February 25

Rice Cereal!

At our 4 month well-baby visit, our doctor told us we could start trying some cereal. So we did...but we might as well have given him a spoon full of vinegar by the look on his face! I kept trying for about a week, but he still didn't have much interest in it--until today! I mixed it up and sat Landon in his Bumbo (I love that thing!) and tied a bib around his neck. I put a little in a spoon and shoved it in his mouth, fully expecting it to come right back out...but it didn't! He seemed to actually enjoy it! In a few short moments, he had eaten the entire bowl! Here's a little video and a smile at the end to prove it! :)

1 comment:

Lorena said...

Love it, especially the big smile at the end.

About Me

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We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".