What should I be doing? Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning...laundry, laundry, laundry...grocery shopping, taking a shower, making baby food, running errands, etc., etc., etc....
What am I doing? Messing around on the computer, reading blogs, working on a project, listening to music, checking email, looking through pictures,
Perhaps if I just remove myself from my computer I might get something else done before Landon wakes up from his nap. Where to begin?
He's awake...now what? I'll never get things done in time. Josh thinks I need Time Management Lessons...I think he's right.
Hahahahahaha! I think you just explained many of my days!!! So funny! I know many mom's can relate to this. We know what we "should" be doing, but then we go to check an e-mail for one second, or that's what we tell ourselves, and then next thing you know it's an hour later. HA! Oh well, we need down time too. Hope you have a great time with your mom, and now I'm really off this computer to do something!
Yay! I'm so glad for you that your mom is coming! What a welcome visit that will be for you, and so great to have an extra set of hands, especially grandma's! :) Have fun and don't worry about cleaning- your mom will understand! ;)
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