Season's greetings! Holiday family pic coming soon...although it was extremely difficult getting a good shot of everyone! Plus, I totally overexposed the shots I did get because I was playing around with my camera's settings. Why did I even think for one second that I could outsmart a Nikon??? Sigh.
Aside from the fact that it's December and we've only had 4 days under 60 degrees, it just doesn't feel like Christmas to me yet. I think it's mostly due to the fact that I didn't do much decorating this year. But not really by choice. Unfortunately we didn't get a tree (again!) because we are traveling so much and my financial advisor (hubs) felt it would've been a waste of moola. However, I forced a little bit of holiday cheer in my household by adding a few little decorations here and there. I had a baby tree that I used to put up in my classroom so I put a few lights on it and threw a skirt under it. I flip the lights on everyday and it makes me smile. Kinda sad not having a tree for the fourth year in a row! I'm not sure I even remember what my ornaments look like! And...our house doesn't have a fireplace and therefore, no mantle. So I got creative hung our stockings above the tv. Mine is the maribou feather one, Josh's is the plaid one and Landon's is the reindeer! I couldn't find Grant's stocking...sorry Grant.
Here ae a few pics just for my BFF Ang (and any of my other faithful follower! ) :) Enjoy!

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