Wednesday, May 4

Something for Me.

As I entered into the world of motherhood and stay-at-home-mommyness, I never dreamed it would be this hard. It's not that it's "hard" by the true sense of the's just that it's insanely different than what I was used to. I used to "have a life" and an "identity"...I used to be "a first grade teacher", an actress with Opera House, a singer at Winter Park, a voice for commercials, and so on...Then one day that all changed and all I was was: mommy to Landon, wife to Josh. Nothing for me!

I could really write a book about how this whole thing came about, but because I am mommy to Landon and wife to Josh I really don't have time. Landon is sleeping right now and this time is like gold. So...briefly I will explain what I've decided to do for myself.

I have launched a business. Yep. Me. I did it. I'm super excited about it and it's something that has potential to take me as far as I want to go. Yes, extra income is one reason I did it, but I'm also doing it so that I can have something for me. So now my "identity" has a little something extra with it. I am still mommy to Landon and wife to Josh but I'm also an Arbonne Indepedent Consultant. I'm loving every bit of it.

Please visit to learn more about the products. It's really an amazing company and I'm so proud to be representing them. I will one day be very successful because of Arbonne and I'm ready and willing to teach and train others how to do it. Don't believe it can be done? That's okay. Once I get my white Mercedes-Benz, you'll see...

*Oh, and for those of you reading this that know about my past experience as a former consultant for another company (the very PINK one), this is NOTHING like it. Better products, better ingredients, insanely different company.

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About Me

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We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".