Wednesday, January 6

12 weeks!

Landon is 12 weeks old today! I can't believe it! How quickly time goes by when you aren't thinking about it...and how slowly it creeps when you are!

At 12 weeks Landon is:
-holding his head up well on his own
-talking up a storm of words like: gaaa, garrrr, cooo, glaa, aaah, gleeeh, etc.
-"singing" with me
-burping better
-nursing faster
-following objects with his eyes
-turning his head from left to right when on his belly
-sleeping long stretches at night (hooray!)
-chewing on hands and objects
-weighing about 14 lbs
-measuring 26 in tall
-wearing 6 mo clothing
-stealing my heart...

Here's a recent video of him enjoying a current hobby...

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About Me

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We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".