Saturday, September 11

30 Reasons I'm Grateful to be 30

*in no particular order, but the first ones are the most important...

1. I have the most amazing God living inside my heart. He actually loves me despite all of my many, many flaws.
2. I have the most amazing son...irritating, frustrating, and stress-inducing he may be, but he's the light of my life and so stinkin' cute I can't stand it.
3. That cute little boy of mine can give me high-fives and big, slobbery kisses. Love it!
4. I have an awesome husband. He's not perfect, but what fun is there in that? He loves me, loves our son and works his tail off to provide for us. Sure he could be more romantic and thoughtful, maybe help out with baby stuff more, but he tries...and he's working on things.
5. I have an amazing mom. I just don't think I can elaborate on that enough. Really, she's one amazing lady...and I'm turning into her each year I grow older! Good thing I think that's a good thing, right?
6. I have a wonderful sister. Sure, we argue (and did for about 26 years) but most of the time we provide comfort and a shoulder for each other. Plus, she's pretty darn funny. I am blessed to have aquired an equally wonderful brother from her. Love them...and their two amazing children.
7. I am blessed to still have my dad in my life. He was pretty close to being gone a few years ago from a heart attack. I'm pretty sure God isn't quite done with him yet.... We're a lot alike and both enjoy many of the same things--especially really good food.
8. I was blessed to marry into a terrific family. My in-laws don't feel like in-laws at all...just extra parents. Love them so much.
9. Along with great in-laws...I got another sister. She is a fantastic addition to my life and I love her so much. I recently got another brother too...she just got married!
10. I have amazing friends...from high school, college, Wilmington, Winston and here. God sure knows who you need in your life and when. I am blessed and honored to have met some really beautiful hearts in my 30 years of life. You know who you are ladies...
11. I have the most adorable god-son in the world. Yep. In the world!
12. I am the doggy mom to the World's Best Weimmy. Grant was my first born and he's the greatest.
13. I am blessed to live in a beautiful house...that we (and the bank) own! It's filled with lovely things (that aren't really that important in the grand scheme of things, but still nice to have.)
14. I am fortunate to be able to stay home with my baby and watch him grown and learn. Yes, it's busy. Yes, I wish I had more time to myself, but no...I don't wish it were different. I'm really lucky.
15. I have a great church family. What a joy to be able to worship our God with such fantastic people.
16. I have (almost) reached my pre-pregance weight. Still working on that pre-pregnancy "shape".
17. I just received a new BOB running stroller for a birthday gift (to help with #16!). Love it.
18. I am able to go for walks and runs by just walking out my back door. Gorgeous birds, beautiful water, friendly people and occasionally a porpoise or manatee!
19. I'm 15 minutes from some of the most beautiful beaches in the country. Whoa. Awesome. (If only I had more time and 4 extra hands).
20. I live in a great city and am 25 minutes or less from THREE malls. Yep, it's true.
21. I live 35 minutes from a huge strip of outlets. Score!
22. I have unlimited text messages and mobile to moblie minutes so I can type and talk to all the people I miss from NC and elsewhere!
23. I hold a valid teaching license (that I might not ever use again?) and still have the skills to teach...if I wanted to.
24. I have taught approximately 200 children in my career...did I make a difference in their lives? I would like to think so...
25. I have been able to use some of my God-given talents to entertain by singing, acting and dancing (that's really entertaining, ha ha!) at several theatres in NC...I hope to return to doing this again in the next 30 years of my life.
26. I have been a part of several service groups...and want to join some others one day.
27. I own (well, "we" own) both of our cars! Hooray for no debt beyond mortgage!
28. I'm thrilled to have a new phone...even thought it's not an's actually better.
29. I'm happy to have a computer that still works...even though it's old...and slow...and not a mac.
30. I currently have all of my things in one house...not still in 3 different locations.

So...that's my list. Hooray for 30! :)

1 comment:

Late said...

As to 24, OF COURSE! You remain my favorite teacher ever, and I'm in middle school! Love ya!

About Me

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We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".