Mmmmmm. Peas!
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Monday, March 29
Wednesday, March 24
My mom says your IQ does down 10 pts for each child you have. I believe it! I ran to the grocery store for a few things this afternoon and not until after about 15 minutes of shopping did I realize that I had left the house in my bedroom shoes. Wow. It might not be safe for me to have more children...
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Monday, March 22
Photo of the Day
Helping Nana get ready this morning. This makeup brush is yummy!
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sunday, March 21
El Paso
Nana and Papaw took us out to eat at El Paso with some good friends from Hendersonville. Let's hope my yummy tacos don't bother Landon's belly!!
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Saturday, March 20
Photo of the Day
Here's Landon with Aunt Meredith and Mimi at the BWIM conference in Winston. We had a great visit with everyone and were sad to leave them yesterday!
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Tuesday, March 16
To the Airport
This is us on our way to check in at the airport yesterday. That's Landon's carseat and base (19.8 lbs) on my back.
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sunday, March 14
Saturday, March 13
Friday, March 12
What was I thinking?
It's pouring here at the not-so-magical kingdom. I'm wearing flip flops and have a horrible headache! Rain, rain go AWAY!
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Thursday, March 11
In the closet.
Landon's crib fits perfectly in the closet in the bedroom where we're staying. Its actually perfect (aside from the squeaky door) because now the crib doesn't take up half our bedroom. Still, I feel a little funny about putting him in a closet...
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
In the closet.
Landon's crib fits perfectly in the closet in the bedroom where we're staying. Its actually perfect (aside from the squeaky door) because now the crib doesn't take up half our bedroom. Still, I feel a little funny about putting him in a closet...
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Tuesday, March 9
Some Dog...
Grant was our first baby. He will always be our first baby. He is spoiled rotten...and knows it. This picture was taken just a few moments ago when I so rudely interrupted his morning nap...on my bed! It must be nice to be in his paws; he has quite the life. Sleeps when he wants, gets to run around and chase lizards, bunnies, and birds (oh my!), and gets treated like he's a person. Wow. That's some dog we have...
That same sweet dog who looks so peaceful while sleeping, is also a nightmare. He thinks he's a person so intently that he gets offended when left alone at the house. We crate him while we're gone because if we don't he'd eat our house (or maybe just all the ink pens and ipods in it). He's a very well behaved dog--except when left alone. How do we know this?...because we made the mistake of spying on him with a video camera! I wish we'd never known what he did while we were gone! In his crate he has a complete hissy-fit and goes bersurk. We've tried wearing him out exercising before we leave, giving him toys to play with in his crate, giving him a toy filled with peanut butter...I even made a video tape of myself doing everyday things around the house to trick him into thinking I was home (which actually worked for about two months until he figured it out one day)! Nothing seems to help. So, what do we do?
Monday, March 8
Photo of the Day
Grant: "I asked you people for a SQUIRREL not a SQUIRMY BABY. <sigh.> Oh well. I guess he'll do."
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Grant: "I asked you people for a SQUIRREL not a SQUIRMY BABY. <sigh.> Oh well. I guess he'll do."
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Sunday, March 7
Last year--Life changed.
Last year--I hated the fact that we were moving so far away from family.
Last year--I delivered my first child and after three weeks, had to survive on my own.
Last year--I struggled with feelings of anger, frustration, depression and sadness.
Last year--I wasn't sure I wanted to be a mom...
This year--I made a resloution to enjoy the ride.
This year--I prayed to be freed from all the pressure I was putting on myself and my child to be perfect.
This year--I changed.
Last year--I hated the fact that we were moving so far away from family.
Last year--I delivered my first child and after three weeks, had to survive on my own.
Last year--I struggled with feelings of anger, frustration, depression and sadness.
Last year--I wasn't sure I wanted to be a mom...
This year--I made a resloution to enjoy the ride.
This year--I prayed to be freed from all the pressure I was putting on myself and my child to be perfect.
This year--I changed.
Saturday, March 6
Friday, March 5
We met Erin for lunch today. Landon ate Erin's fingers for lunch today.
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Thursday, March 4
Wednesday, March 3
Baby Laughs
Here's a quick video of Landon laughing. A perfect compliment to Jenny McCarthy's book, Baby Laughs
. Check out both!
Photo of the Day
We're gonna start doing a photo of the day. This morning we were blogging together and I thought this was cute. They start loving technology earlt huh? Enjoy!
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Tuesday, March 2
I am a perfectionist. I can't help it. I've always been like this and it's usually worked out okay for me. I jumped right in to motherhood just like I do most things..."fully prepared". I read all the books I could find on pregnancy: What to Expect
, Your Pregnancy Week by Week
, Belly Laughs
, The Girlfriend's Guide
, etc. All of which I found quite helpful and somewhat consistent.
Shortly before Landon was born, I began reading and rereading more books on parenting: Babywise
, Secrets of the Baby Whisperer
, Your Baby's First Year
, New Mother's Guide to Breastfeeding
, Happiest Baby on the Block
, Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child name a few. But, whoa. I have never been so confused in all my life. How can there be so many different, "perfect solutions" to one problem? My conclusion? Either I'm stupid and can't figure out any of them, OR, my baby just doesn't fit the mold. I think I need to just pray this whole mothering thing out...but if anyone has advice on naptime...just leave it for me in a comment! Maybe I'll write a book one day compiled of all the real life advice I get instead of all the books that claim to know it all!
Shortly before Landon was born, I began reading and rereading more books on parenting: Babywise
Staying in Love

Upon finding our church, Relevant, we stumbled into a small group that we have grown to adore. We meet once a week and do different studies and discussions each semester. This semester we decided to do a study called, Staying in Love by Andy Stanley. Wow. It's really been wonderful. Most of what Andy has talked about so far (we just finished session number 2) are things that are really "no brainers" but still so hard to accomplish on a day-to-day basis. Tonight he talked about being humble to your spouse and submiting to one another. I'm not good at that. In fact, I suck at it. I think it might have to do with my parents' divorce--but that's a whole other therapy session that I won't go into right now! :) Submiting to my Josh is something that I am going to really try harder to do...not because he is the "boss" or the "king of the house" but because it's what Jesus instructs us to do. Our group discussed the fact that so often in our lives we feel entitled to things. I did all the grocery shopping, preparing, planning, and you should have to do the dishes! Or, I've been with the baby all day long, it's your turn! But really, we are no more entitled to anything any more than the other person. Jesus, in all actuality, was entitled to things...but did he demand to be treated so? Nope. If only I could act more like Jesus...
My goal this week is to follow through with a challenge that Andy gave us: Humble yourself to your spouse as often as you can. Here goes...
What's for dinner?
Mmmmmm. Paci! I snapped this photo as Landon was busy putting his paci and ribbon into his mouth...a recent favorite of his! Sometimes he even gets the paci back in his mouth the right way! Never in the middle of the night though...hmmm!
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About Me
- emily anne
- We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".