Tuesday, March 2


I am a perfectionist. I can't help it. I've always been like this and it's usually worked out okay for me. I jumped right in to motherhood just like I do most things..."fully prepared". I read all the books I could find on pregnancy: What to Expect, Your Pregnancy Week by Week, Belly Laughs, The Girlfriend's Guide, etc. All of which I found quite helpful and somewhat consistent.

Shortly before Landon was born, I began reading and rereading more books on parenting: Babywise, Secrets of the Baby Whisperer, Your Baby's First Year, New Mother's Guide to Breastfeeding, Happiest Baby on the Block, Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child...to name a few. But, whoa. I have never been so confused in all my life. How can there be so many different, "perfect solutions" to one problem? My conclusion? Either I'm stupid and can't figure out any of them, OR, my baby just doesn't fit the mold. I think I need to just pray this whole mothering thing out...but if anyone has advice on naptime...just leave it for me in a comment! Maybe I'll write a book one day compiled of all the real life advice I get instead of all the books that claim to know it all!


Lorena said...

you should write a book about what know tells you about when going into motherhood. I bet all pregnant women would read it.

Courtney said...

Emily Anne...not sure if you remember me, but I had a baby just a couple of months before your sweet boy was born.
All of those books were lost on me...I just left more confused and frustrated. Instead, I watched a video online...www.momsoncall.com and it changed my life. I have a boy who sleeps & it's not a crazy-strict schedule. You might want to try it out...it's MUCH easier to stomach than all of the books.

Heather Royster said...

Hi Emily Anne!! So glad to see your sweet baby. He is beautiful. Bear and Henry send their love. What changed my life at nap and bedtime was limiting the paci (or binky, as we called it) to crib only. Both my boys would want to get in the crib and then would grab binky, close eyes, and cuddle down. Lights out!!! That's all I have. Best of luck. We miss you. Come see us. Heather

About Me

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We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, NC...now living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".