Upon finding our church, Relevant, we stumbled into a small group that we have grown to adore. We meet once a week and do different studies and discussions each semester. This semester we decided to do a study called, Staying in Love by Andy Stanley. Wow. It's really been wonderful. Most of what Andy has talked about so far (we just finished session number 2) are things that are really "no brainers" but still so hard to accomplish on a day-to-day basis. Tonight he talked about being humble to your spouse and submiting to one another. I'm not good at that. In fact, I suck at it. I think it might have to do with my parents' divorce--but that's a whole other therapy session that I won't go into right now! :) Submiting to my Josh is something that I am going to really try harder to do...not because he is the "boss" or the "king of the house" but because it's what Jesus instructs us to do. Our group discussed the fact that so often in our lives we feel entitled to things. I did all the grocery shopping, preparing, planning, and cooking...so you should have to do the dishes! Or, I've been with the baby all day long, it's your turn! But really, we are no more entitled to anything any more than the other person. Jesus, in all actuality, was entitled to things...but did he demand to be treated so? Nope. If only I could act more like Jesus...
My goal this week is to follow through with a challenge that Andy gave us: Humble yourself to your spouse as often as you can. Here goes...
1 comment:
That's great Emily! It's something all of us have to work on for sure!
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