Sunday, April 25

Cloth update!

A while back, when I was blogging on my other website, I mentioned that I was going to try cloth diapering. I received lots of feedback about it--good and bad! Most everyone was positive about me trying it (at least on the outside anyway!). So here's an update!

I didn't actually get started with full-time cloth diapering until just recently for several reasons. 1) I had way more complications with delivery than I anticipated and was just too exhausted to think about "figuring something out"  2) newborns  poop like every two hours and go through a TON of diapers and I only had 12 (didn't really want to be doing laundry EVERY DAY)! 3) the diapers I had were size small...and Landon wasn't going to fit in them very I had to return the ones I had and exchange them for mediums.

By the time I got my new diapers, he was 2 months old already...and then we were traveling for the holidays. I really couldn't do CD while traveling to three different cities, huh? Then when we got back I tried using them but decided that I really needed more than 12 to do it right. I have 26! And now, I can really use them full time! By the way, I decided on Fuzzi Bunz pocket diapers (I love the OneSize). I purchased mine from the online store called EcoStyle Baby. It's actually a local store here in Clearwater!

So's been going great! There's been a few diapers that have been "challenging" but luckily I've been at home! I find myself doing diaper laundry about every two-three days. It's super easy.

I just take my diaper liner bag and dump it all in the washer...then I throw the diaper "stuffers" and wipes in the dryer and hang up my diapers to air dry. Once everything is dry, I take 5 minutes or so to stuff the insides back into the diapers and replace the wipes in my warmer. It's all been quite easy thus far. Plus, I feel good knowing that I'm not adding to the mound of waste that will just sit for hundreds of years in a landfill! *Although I am putting Landon in a disposable at night! But at least it's only one a day instead of 10!

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About Me

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We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".