Wednesday, April 28

What is up with naptime?

Landon is usually a great napper! But the past three days have been completely wonky! It's taken him a really long time to actually fall asleep and then once he's there, it's not for long! He hasn't taken a regular nap longer than 45 minutes. It's really throwing me for a loop. I need that quiet time for myself to get things done that can't be done while he's awake: dishes, email, blogs, shower, house cleaning (not that I do it everyday!), laundry, and...oh, resting! :) I'm going to try making sure he's really full shortly before putting him down...maybe he's going through a growth spurt. Maybe he's just overly curious and/or stimulated...

I hope it's just a phase he's going through...we'll see! Here's hoping!

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About Me

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We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".