Wednesday, December 2

7 weeks!

Really? Landon is 7 weeks already?!? I can't believe it!

He's been cute from the start (I know, I'm a tad biased) but I think he's getting even cuter! Landon is really getting the hang of the whole social smile thing...I think he's gonna be a flirt like his momma! He's also got some very serious looks, definitely inherited by his daddy! He's been keeping me busy, as usual, this week...but it looks like we're heading in the right direction as far as a routine goes! I don't want to jinx anything, but for the past couple of nights he's almost slept through the night! Monday night he slept until 6:20 am Tuesday and Tuesday night he slept until 5:30am Wednesday! Let's hope tonight he decides to repeat either of those performances! :)

Landon is fascinated with looking at his name on the wall above his changing table. Here's a video to prove it! The quality isn't the greatest because it was taken with my cell phone, but it's better than nothing! Enjoy! 7 week pictures coming soon!

It's hard to believe that only 7 weeks ago I was writhing in pain from birthing the equivalent to a bowling ball! What a better place I'm in now!

Wednesday, November 25

6 weeks!

So, at 6 weeks our little boy is melting our hearts! Not that he didn't do that before, but now it almost seems intentional! :)

He is smiling and flirting in response to my voice or my smile and he does the same to his daddy! It's pretty rewarding to see that beautiful smile. It's really funny when he smiles, because his whole face scrunges up and his eyes all but disappear! Many times he'll stick his little tongue out too--oh how sweet!

Landon is doing really well most of the day, as long as he doesn't have tummy trouble. Tummy trouble is mainly gas. Bummer...he's got it bad. I've tried changing my diet and have cut out just about everything I could and still live--but to no avail. His pediatrician says that he just has to grow out of it. It's terribly sad to see such a happy-minded baby turn cranky in .02 seconds! Gas drops seem to help somewhat, but they are a temporary fix. So...we bounce. A lot. In fact, we bounce so much that I'm working on some really good quad muscles and killer shoulders and biceps-I should be ripped by bikini season. (oh yeah, i'm NEVER wearing a bikini again! thanks for those lovely stretch-marks, Gigantor).

When he's not having tummy troubles, Landon is a pretty darn good sleeper! He typically takes 4-5 naps a day, varying from 45 mins to 1 hr 45 min. Most of the time, he wants to sleep more than 45 minutes but he gets awoken by gas. grrrr. Most nights, he goes down around 8:30 or 9:00 and I wake him for a "dream feed" at 10:30 or 11:00. He continues to sleep usually until 4ish. Then I feed him again and put him right back down until he wakes up between 7:30 and 8:30. All in all, I can't complain. At six weeks...he's doing great!

We have a 2 month appointment on the 9th...can't wait to see how long he is and how much he weighs! It seems like he's grown so much, so fast! He's already outgrown his 3 month sleepers...and pretty much anything else in 3 month size that has feet! He's wearing 6 month size sleepers because they're the only things LONG enough for this baby! I can't even put him in those great little gowns because they don't make them long enough!

Click on the first picture to be taken to our web albums page. Enjoy, and we'd love to hear from you through comments! :)

Monday, November 23

5 weeks and Nana visits!

So, Josh and I have officially been married for 4 years on Nov 19! What a difference 4 years makes, huh? We certainly celebrated differently this in, we didn't. Unfortunately, it's really hard to get out of the house with a 5 week old baby and no babysitters! But, FORTUNATELY, my mom (Nana) decided to fly in with her hubby Jerry for the weekend! Hooray! We had a wonderful, albeit short, visit together. They were even gracious enough to babysit Landon on Saturday afternoon so Josh and I could go on a "date" to the movies (we saw New Moon-pretty good!). They left early on Sunday. I cried.

Click on the above picture for more pictures of our little guy at 5 weeks...

Wednesday, November 11

4 weeks...

It's hard to believe that 4 weeks ago today, we welcomed our new little boy into the world! What a lot of changes we've been through so far! I feel like I've adjusted pretty well but we're still learning each other. I'm still trying to figure out what cry means what and how to best fulfill all of his needs without completely neglecting my own (do I HAVE to eat today?)

At one month old, Landon is starting to wake up a bit (ok, a lot!). He definitely has his fussy time (usually around 4 or 5 and lasting until bedtime at 7 or 8). Landon is very good at making "presents" for us--most of which are intended for Josh, but somehow end up with me being the one opening them! We continue to be amazed at the number of diapers he goes through in a day. I'm glad I haven't started using my cloth diapers yet...cause I just don't have enough to make it through one day! And, who needs to do diaper laundry twice a day? Not me.

Our little guy is growing fast...his 4 week appointment showed that he is now 10 lbs 2 oz and 23 1/2 inches long! He had a slow start regaining his birth weight (partially because my milk was slow to come in and because he was growing in length too) but is right on track and at the top of the percentiles now. He's 100th for length and 95th for weight! We're so proud of our big boy!

Landon still doesn't quite have the day's activities figured out yet. He's great at eating but wants to fall asleep during and right after feeding! He doesn't understand that he needs to be awake to eat and for a few minutes after. When he's supposed to sleep...he wants to be awake! At least he knows that night time is for sleeping--he gives me about 2-3 hours at a time and sometimes more! He's working on it...slowly but surely. As "Aunt Kelly" told him, "It's hard being little."

Here's a new picture at 4 weeks old.

Monday, November 2

Belly Pics...all in one place

Here's all my belly pics. WARNING, the images you are about to see go from cute to OBSCENE very quickly.

5weeks11 weeks
14 weeks17 weeks20 weeks22 weeks 23 weeks26 weeks32 weeks34 weeks36 1/2 weeks39 weeks

Saturday, October 24

Poll Results for "Name the Baby"

We had a hard time deciding on a name for Landon...but when we finally DID decide, we kept it a surprise until he was born. This annoyed many of our we decided to be funny and let people in on our two top "choices". The funny thing is, some people actually thought we were SERIOUS. Come on!

Poll Results: What should we name the baby?

Vin Diesel Jones (50.6%)

DeJoshua Jones (49.4%)

total votes: 156

Good thing we came up with Landon Pierce...right?

Friday, October 16

The Birth Story

There are many things about my pregnancy and the birth that I absolutely don't want to forget...but then, there are a few moments that I really don't care to ever relive. Those events will be obvious as my story progresses.

Tuesday, October 13

My mom, upon hearing news of my scheduled induction, decided that she didn't want to miss the birth and booked a flight to Florida. The best flight was actually to Orlando, which is only an hour and a half from us here in St. Pete. Around 2:00 that afternoon I made the drive to Orlando (seriously, the baby wasn't showing any signs of coming out so it wasn't THAT risky). Mom and I were equally happy to see each other when she just felt right that she would be there to witness the birth of my first child. We drove back home that night and settled mom in (not without making a slight detour to the Orlando outlets-we're great shopping pals). Mom made breakfast for dinner (one of our favorites) and we Skyped to my sister for a while...
Around 10:00, I took a final look around my house and thought, "This is it. The last time I'll see this place without a big 'ole belly--life was about to change, BIG."

We arrived at the hospital around 10:30 and checked in. The nurse gave me instructions to put on their icky gown--good thing I brought my own. A girl's gotta look good, right? Pink polka dots are much more flattering than blue-gray geometric print!

A little later, the nurse came in and inserted Cytotek, a pill smaller than a grain of rice, onto my cervix. The pill's purpose was to cause my cervix to thin and begin dialating. It was supposed to have done it's job in four hours--so at 5 in the morning, I was all set to be dialated to at least 4 cm!! my dismay, I had only dialated to 1cm and wasn't even completly effaced! So, they inserted another Cytotek, hoping it was cause another cm of dialation in another 4 hours. 9 o'clock rolls around and I had such a good feeling about being at least 2 cm! my dismay, still only a 1. How can that be??? Dr. D (my OB) was a little puzzled too--but suggested another round of Cytotek, that is, until she looked at my contraction pattern! They were coming very close together and another pill would have made it worse--possibly stressing out the baby. Instead, she went ahead and started the Pitocin drip. Most of the time they don't do that until you're 2 cm, but she said we'd give it a shot and see what happened. After about an hour on Pit, my contractions were coming pretty strong, but they were tolerable. I was thinking positively about the whole "natural med-free birth plan". Then the nurse checked me and I was only a 2! Dr. D didn't like the way things were going and didn't want to increase the pit much more because my contractions were already strong. So she suggested a Foley bulb. Basically, they the same tube that is used for Foley catheters and insert it into the cervix. Then the blow up the bulb at the end and fill it with saline. Then they tug. Yep,..lots of fun. The bulb is supposed to simulate the baby's head pushing on my cervix, but instead of a natural push...I got an unnatural pull. That brought on the real humdinger contractions. I managed to deal with them for about an hour and a half--thinking the whole time that I must be dialating like crazy. The next check I got told me otherwise. Only a 2, still!! What the heck??? Upon the advice of Dr. D, my doula (Robyn), my mother, my husband, the nursing staff and just about any other person who walked in the room...I opted for an epidural. Had I not been strapped to a bed and tied to 3 different machines, perhaps I would have been able to have tolerated the contractions for 6 more hours--but that wasn't the case. Getting the epidural was hard--I had about 3 contractions while he was doing it, causing me to jerk and have to get stuck twice! Owee. But once it was in, life was good.

Shortly after the epidural, Dr. D came back to check me. I was at 3 cm--and the Foley bulb was about to fall out--so she pulled it and GUSH! My water broke! I was super happy about the fact that it was clear, no meconium! Dr. D decided to crank the Pitocin back on and hoped that I would finish dialating sometime before midnight. It was about 5:30 at this point and she had a dinner to go to. She left thinking she'd see me when she got back and check me again. I felt better that at least something was moving in the right direction--but was a little disappointed that my baby was probably not going to be born until much, much later. I was able to fall asleep for about an hour or so and something must have happened while I was sleeping. When I woke back up around 7:00, the nurse came in and decided to check me again. She had a really strange look on her face that I immediately interpreted as, "no progress, poor girl". Then she looked at me and said, "you're complete." Yahooooooooooooo! I suddenly felt this surge of energy, I was so excited! She called for another nurse to come in and instruct me on how to push. She said, "with the next contraction, push and just see what happens for practice." Well apparently I had done this before in another life, because those practice pushes really worked. The baby was moving down!!! They called Dr. D and told her she needed to come back ASAP. They told me that I would have to "not push" until Dr. D got back, it's called "laboring down". I wanted to tell them that I'd waited long enough and that doctor or no doctor I was pushing this baby out--but I didn't. I behaved.

Around 7:45, Dr. D arrived and checked me. She got herself ready and the pushing began around 8:00. Thirty-six minutes and a few good pushes later...Landon Pierce Jones made is appearance! Never in my life has there been a more amazing experience. They took him and placed him immediately on my chest, skin to skin. I'll never forget the look on his 3 second-old face when I first saw him...a total gift from God.

The rest of the story isn't fact, it's down right brutal. So...I won't go into many details. I'll give the short version and if you really care about the gory stuff, just call me.

10:00-repairs are done, nursing for the first time, 20 minutes on each side, great latch!
10:45-try to get me up to go to the bathroom, huge blood loss, pass out cold.
10:55-oxygen mask, everyone in the room panics just a little
11:00-wheeled to postpardum unit on stretcher instead of wheel chair
11:30-eating something from Tropical Smoothie, yum.
12:00-try to get up-huge blood loss-pass out in bathroom
12:05-pass out
12:08-pass out
12:10-in bed with oxygen
12:15-try to sleep
12:30-baby needs to be fed
1:00-feel pretty good, call nurse and attempt to get up again (by this time my bladder is exceptionally full and NEEDS to be emptied so my uterus can go back down and stop bleeding)
1:15-go to the bathroom, don't pass out, but not able to GO.
1:30-still can't GO.
1:45-nurse says, we have to put in a catheter because you can't have urine in you that long-and your uterus HAS to contract...
2:30-4 different nurse teams try to insert the catheter into my very irritated AREA. Writhing in pain, worse than any other part of the whole experience thus far. Josh's hands were almost squeezed off completely. HORRIBLE experience.
4:00-finally, the catheter is in (yes, an hour and a half later). Bladder feels better, Uterus is happier, I am still in pain.
4:30-we settle in and get ready for bed.
5:00-Josh is asleep, baby needs nursing
6:00-Baby finishes eating, I doze off to sleep
6:45-Good morning! Everyone starts flying in--blood people, cleaning people, dining people, new nurses, baby nurses, etc. etc. etc. No sleep for me! But, I did get put on 24 hrs Bedrest!

So by now, it's Thursday, the 15th. That day went by pretty fast--I was hoping to get to go home...but with my blood levels being what they were, they said no way.

So Friday am they come and check my blood again and the doctor says,"hey, you're really, really low on hemoglobin so you need a TRANSFUSION. Yikes. That sounded really scary to me, but Josh and I both thought it was probably a good idea. So...after a million different pokes and prods by 5 o'clock that afternoon I was finally getting my blood!
8:30 ish, we're discharged and start our journey home...

What an experience...
and worth every second.

Friday, October 9


so, i'm 41 wks and 1 day (that's 8 days overdue) and I'm not even a fingertip dialated, only 50% effaced and "not even favorable for an induction yet" according to my latest checkup this morning. the baby is also measuring in at 9 lbs (but they could be off by a pound--STILL!?!) already.
i go back on monday for another checkup and they have tentatively scheduled me for an induction on wednesday. why is this baby so stinkin' stubborn? he'd better be really cute.
i'm trying to have a good attitude about it, but it's getting harder and harder. i just wish there was something i could do--but there isn't. nothing i've tried has worked...
i know i should "let go and let God" but that's so much easier said than done. i just want to hold my baby!
thank you to everyone who has been sending up prayers and well-wishes. i do appreciate your encouragement and thoughtfulness. sorry if i don't feel like chatting too much about it. once he arrives, i'll feel much more inclined to talk.

Tuesday, October 6

getting tired of this...5 days late!

Sorry I haven't updated anyone recently, but I'm unfortunately out of things to say. Nothing has changed, no progress, no new contractions, no loss of anything (other than patience) and no sign of this baby coming anytime soon. What the heck??
I'm growing weary...and larger...and tired...and swollen! I'm SO OVER IT! Come out little baby!
I hope I'm not going to have to coax him out of or into everything in his life! Ugh!
Don't expect any more posts unless something amazing happens...or until after I visit the doctor on FRIDAY. :)

Friday, October 2

40 weeks

Sheesh...I guess I better update everyone before someone has a heart attack.
Well...I'm now 40 weeks and 1 day. Yeah for me.
The doctor said yesterday that I was almost fully effaced and 1 cm dialated. I am having contractions but they aren't lasting long and they certainly don't hurt. That means what exactly? Pretty much nothing. It means that I will go back to the doctor next Friday and get checked again if nothing happens in between. Then we'll discuss what options I have. At that point, depending on how I'm feeling (which honestly I can't see how it could be much worse) we'll discuss the possibility of an induction...but as most of you know, I really don't want that option.
So there's the update for my "fan club" that I didn't know I had! :)
For instant updates, please refer to Facebook...that will be how we'll inform people of any REAL news (Josh will be in charge of that!).

Monday, September 28

3 days left, wishful thinking

3 days left...wishful thinking  39 weeks
September 28, 2009
So, I'm due in 3 days and don't feel like there's anything else happening now than when I was 37 weeks. Actually, that's not true...what's happening now is I'm seeing stretch marks on my stomach, swelling in my ankles and fingers, and a general irritibility in my overall outlook on daily life! I also feel like my pelvis is going to rip in half from the pressure! On top of that, I'm bored out of my mind and it's too hot to really go do anything during the day. So, I sit in the house and try to block out the booming music from the annoying 17 year old neighbor who only goes to school 4 hours a day. I have watched so many episodes of Birth Day, Baby Story, Deliver Me and Bringing Home Baby that I honestly think that I could be an OB/GYN now! I'm going a bit stir crazy and can't imagine having to do this for more than another week or so! Please pray this baby shows up before Halloween!!!

Thursday, September 24

39 weeks...and nothing's happening!

39 weeks and nothing's happening... September 24, 2009

Well another week went by and still, no news. When the Dr. checked me she said that I was still closed and high and about 80% effaced. Why oh why couldn't I have at least had a little bit of dialation?! Grrr.

Next appointment, Oct 1-my due date. Let's hope I don't make it...but chances are, I will. I doubt this baby's coming out anytime soon. I just wish I could get some sleep while I'm waiting for him...cause I know I won't get any once he's here!

Tuesday, September 22

Almost a Year Later...

Sorry...I've neglected this blog. Not really sure if anyone even sees it though...but:

I've actually been "seeing another one" instead. It seemed like a good idea at the time because the other one is made for babies! Since I was so excited about having one, I thought I should use it. But, as it turns's not that much better than using this one and it COSTS money to post things there. Yes, it's easy and yes it's cute and yes it's not that much money each month (only like 10 bucks) but still...this one is FREE. It just makes more sense. Plus, I feel like the name of this one is too cute and it will allow me to talk about all things Jones and not just the baby. So...I'll keep the baby one for a while longer--just until he's born I think and then I'll tell everyone that I've moved everything over to this site.

Friday, September 18

38 week visit...ugh!

So on Wednesday morning, I weighed myself and thought, "yeah, I haven't gained much at all this week. Whoopee!". I always get worried before an appointment...

Much to my chagrin, however, the nurse and the scale at the doctor's office obviously had something against me that day because the conspired to make it appear that I had not only gained the "normal and expected" 1 pound per week, but I had managed to multiply that number by 4 and 1/2! WHAT? Immediate tears started streaming down my puffy face with this news...Then the nurse tries to comfort me by saying, "well, your blood pressure is good and it'll be okay." I then thought to myself, "yeah, you're obviously not wanting to get back into a bikini anytime soon!". Ugh.

To add insult to injury, the doctor comes in to do a lovely internal exam. Before she starts, she sees the tears on my face and asks me what's wrong. I told her I was upset with my number and she said not to worry. She then checked me and I just knew she was going to say something like, "good job, you're progressing nicely!". But no...she says, "not much change". So I ask her, "do you think I might go before my due date?" She says, "well, I'd say you're about average or a little behind average as far as progress goes." Again, WHAT? I'm not good at being BEHIND in anything...that's not supposed to happen to me. I've always acceled in things-I've never gotten a "behind" comment! Ugh!

So basically...I'm a "D" when it comes to progressing. Sigh.

*Oh, and my ankles and feet have started swelling. GREAT

Saturday, September 12

Fashion Victims Ball

As if being pregnant isn't a blow to fashion enough...we were invited to attend a "Fashion Victims Ball" with our church last Friday (which was also my birthday!). So...seeing as how nothing I already had in my closet fit me, I went on a mission to Goodwill to find something horribly un-fashionable to wear. Oh boy...did I have options! What I finally ended up with was a very large floral print polyester dress that buttoned down the front. I paired it with a bright blue tank and leggings. On top of all that wonderful, I added blue plastic earrings, yellow plastic bracelets (with rhinestones) and a yellow and green straw hat. Needless to say, I was very much a fashion victim.

Josh had quite an outfit too, compliments of Goodwill. His included a polyester golf shirt, polyester pants and of course, white socks.

We looked great (for the occasion) and had some fun...but we're really glad I didn't go into labor while wearing those clothes! How would we have explained that?

Tuesday, September 8

Sorry it's been a while!

Sorry it's been a while... September 08, 2009

Yeah, I's been a while. Sorry. I just haven't felt like updating this thing--not because I'm feeling bad but mainly because I've been lazy. I guess that's okay when you're pregnant, right?

Well, for the last few weeks Baby Jones has been growing like crazy. He's made me gain 8 pounds in just 2 1/2 weeks. What the heck? The doctor says, "Well, we'd like for you to stay at 1 lb per week from here on out". Great. Considering that I've already gained two pounds this week, I'm in for a "yelling-at" tomorrow at my appointment. Oh well. My doula says I look great and so does my yoga instructor. I'll just listen to them from now on!

Aside from the uncomfortable feeling of having an enormous bowling ball on my abdomen, I feel pretty good. I'm totally puffy in my hands (can't wear my wedding rings anymore) and my feet (nothing but flip-flops for these puppies) but so far, no "cankles"! Let's hope for that to continue...

I'm still exercising regularly and practicing prenatal yoga, so hopefully all of that will help bring on labor naturally and make it go smoothly.

Continue to pray for a continued healthy pregnancy and normal delivery! I'd also like it if you prayed for my childbirth to be painless--that's a reasonable request, heh?

Monday, August 24

Cloth Diapering...Yes, I'm trying it!

Cloth Diapering...Yes, I'm Gonna Try It! August 24, 2009

Why Cloth Diaper?

I've decided to try cloth diapering and have gotten mixed reviews from people I've told. So...while doing some research, I came across this "thesis" on a website and thought it simplfied the basic reasons I'd like to try it. If any of you out there are thinking to yourself, "I know Emily Anne and she won't last a week doing this..." then you aren't thinking anything that I haven't already thought myself. BUT, I do believe that it would be a HUGE contribution to the environment and beneficial to my child's, just say what you want to yourself and if I give up, then you can tell me what you were really thinking.

A ‘Thesis” by Kim Stinson (from

1. Cost

a. Yes, there’s a little sticker shock on the price of cloth

b. However, over time cloth is the cheaper choice

i. Disposables = 7500 changes x $.25 = $1,875!

ii. Luxury Cloth = 54 diapers x $17.95 = $969

+ Laundry $800 = $1769

iii. Bargain Cloth = 54 diapers & covers = $250

+ Laundry $800 = $1050

*I think this is a high estimate of how many cloth diapers I would purchase...I'm thinking half that amount!

2. Environment

a. The sheer volume of trash. It’s gotta go somewhere somehow. That means a truck on the road using energy picking up the bag each week. Then it usually goes to landfills.

b. There’s seepage from the feces that doesn’t get processed like through the sewer system. If you read a box of disposables, users are to flush feces. Oops. In Pinellas County, Florida trash is incinerated and made into energy, but still it’s unnecessary waste.

3. Chemicals on Baby’s Tush

a. The Gel (crystals) in disposables is a chemical called sodium acrylate, a polymer able to hold many times its weight in water. Listed on material safety data sheets as “Skin, eye and respiratory irritant.” Banned from tampons in 1985 for its’ direct link to Toxic Shock Syndrome.

b. Dioxin is a contaminant byproduct of the chlorine bleaching process. Noted to be as hazardous as plutonium. Risks include cancer, birth defects and reproduction issues, Not being produced as much now, but still in environment from decades ago. Dioxin is absorbed through respiration, diet or skin contact.

c. Information about the actual dioxin content of a disposable diaper is quite scant. Three studies show no dioxin; however, they show presence of a close cousin to dioxion - furan (TCDF). Slighly less potent, furan exhibits similar toxic properties. Although both dioxin and furan are known to migrate from paper products to the skin, little is known about the amount transferred to baby's bottom.

4. Much cuter than disposables

There’s a reason why the photographers at the mall photo studio give you a cover to put over the disposable when Junior is getting his photo taken. Today’s bright colors and fun prints are world’s cuter than those plain ol’ white disposable diapers with some lame washed-on character print on the Velcro-like tabs.

5. It’s not that hard

a. Back in times pre-Maytag, diaper washing would have been difficult. I’ll go so far as to say pre-pocket diapers, washing would have been difficult. Now, there’s no soaking or dunking. The technological advances in fabric make waste roll off the diapers.

b. No pins necessary! Pocket diapers are hourglass shaped, many offer Velcro or snaps. Even if you use the rectangular pre-fold diapers, there’s nifty waterproof covers with light materials that eliminate the need for uncomfortable and hard to use ‘plastic pants.’ If you feel you must fasten the prefold, there’s Snappis – clever ‘Y’ shaped fasteners.

c. Most cities don’t have diaper services anymore, so you have to wash yourself. We’ve used cloth from about 6 weeks on. We throw the dipes in a wetbag. When full, we throw the bag plus contents in the washer for an extra two or three loads per week. That’s it. No scrubbing, dunking, no bleach. It’s not that hard!

6. Less Diaper Rash

a. Babies in disposables feel drier, so parents change less often but bacteria is still there!

b. More air circulation in cloth, hence less diaper rash. Possibly no diaper rash.

Tuesday, August 18

Wilmington Shower

Wilmington Shower! August 18, 2009

Despite the long day of traveling by plane and then four hours in a car driving to Wilmington, I had the pleasure of being honored at another wonderful baby shower. This time, it was given by my Wilmington friends. Amy, Tracey, Megan, and Hillary all got together and hosted a lovely day. We had yummy treats, including a delicious cake (complete with green baby booties) and fantastic punch. We played a great game where you had to write down the name of the baby animal that went with each adult. Who knew that a baby fox was called a "kit"? It was quite educational...I definitely didn't win! There were over 30 people who attended and it was so special. Many of them were families and students from my former school as well as former colleagues. Others were friends from church that I hadn't seen in a while. I was overwhelmed with joy and love by the number of people who showed up to help me celebrate. It was a true outpouring of love and I can't thank everyone enough. I was especially honored by the attendance of Josh's first cousin Lindy, who drove all the way from Rhode Island to be at the shower! I know her sisters would have come if they could have but just to have someone from that side of the family there was so special! I will post pictures from the shower as soon as someone emails some to me. I didn't take a single picture (it's kinda hard when you forget your camera) so I'm relying on my friends and family to send them.

Monday, August 10

Nursery is Finished! (mostly)

After searching through six different fabric stores in two states, and countless hours of sewing and ironing (and with unbelievable patience and skill from my mom), the nursery is FINALLY FINISHED (minus a few decorative touches)!

Grant had to test the crib before we put his "little brother" in it.
My mom came down this past weekend and helped me make all the nursery bedding and decor! All that's left is to put up some black and white photos of our little guy once he arrives. Those pictures will go in a collage frame above the changing table.
For now, enjoy the room--it's likely the last time anyone will see it this clean and neat!"

Thursday, August 6

Visit with Mom

Friday night I picked up mom from the airport here in St. Pete. We spent the next 5 days doing so many things together! The main goal was, of course, to complete the nursery...which we did! Hooray! But through that process we got to spend a lot of quality time together--much needed for both of us.

If there's one thing Mom and I do really well together, it's shopping. We took many shopping trips to various fabric stores, TJMaxx and Marshalls, shoe stores, decorator stores and one little harmless trip to the International Mall! :) I learned all my best shopping tricks from her, so it's no surprise that we can really do some damage when we're together.

Tuesday, disguised as a way to exercise, we took a trip to the beach! This was the first time since living here that I had ventured out to the ocean. We went to Medeira Beach and it was absolutely lovely. I even have the t-shirt to prove it. :)

Wednesday, I had a doctor's appointment so I brough mom along. It was a routine 2 week check up and the doctor said I was measuring about 33 weeks. Does that mean I'm fatter than I should be? Or is baby bigger than he should be? Or is my due date off a little? Let's hope it's the later! Yikes! The heartbeat sounded fine and she said everything looked good. I'll go back in two more weeks for another check up. Only 8 weeks and 6 appointments left!

After the appointment, we decided to explore downtown St. Pete for a little while. Surprisingly, it's a city filled with lots of rich history and culture--heavily influenced by the early Spanish colonists. We were such tourists that we actually hopped on one of those trolley cars and rode around for a while. We learned quite a bit of interesting facts! The trolley dropped us off at "The Pier" which is home to little tourist shops, restaurants and the St. Pete Aquarium. We didn't have time to visit the aquarium, but we did get to see some dolphins outside in the bay! It started raining, so we decided to get back on the trolley. It took us by some more historical landmarks and eventually to our car. The whole trip only cost us $1.00 and it really was fun!

Later that afternoon, I took mom and her friend Glenda to the airport. It was hard saying goodbye after such a great visit together. It's hard to believe that the next time I will see her in person will be after our baby boy is here! She plans to fly down once he's born and stay a few days with us to help out. I can't wait to see her again!! Things will never be the same, huh?

Tuesday, July 21


Back...whew. July 21, 2009

So about 2000 miles and 12 days later I'm back in Florida! I visited mom in Hendersonville (near Asheville, NC) and then drove to Winston-Salem to see the in-laws. From there I rode with them to Wilmington for a wedding of some dear friends. It was a wonderful weekend, far from restful though! We got to spend time with our former "small-group" (bible study) that has exploded all over the map. We saw the Stratton clan of 5, who've been in Longview, Texas for the past three years; The Tuckers, who've been in Billings, Montana for the last year; The Hunters, who've been in Atlanta, Georgia for the last two years and the now "Craigs" who just got married and will be living in Tennesee. It was such a fun experience getting to spend time with all of our friends. Everyone was excited to see the growing belly and Alexis nicknamed it "Buddha".

"Buddha" and I did alright on the trip--however, I'm really glad that I won't have to be in a car that long again while pregnant! During the long drive, Josh and I discussed baby names again and I think we've settled on one. This news probably doesn't really make anyone all that excited, considering we've promised to keep it a surprise until he arrives. At least my stress about it is gone! :)

Sunday, July 12

Letter to my Mommy, by Aunt Kelly

Letter to My Mommy

Aunt Kelly helped me write you a letter

She bent down to your middle so she could hear me a little better.

So, sit back and pop another Pringle

And never mind that obnoxious lady at Ingles.

For I am only ONE, not TWO

And these things I already know about you:

I know that you’re smart and you are witty

And my suspicion is that you’re kinda pretty.

Because how else did I end up in you’re tummy?

It’s not like you’ve just been eating a bunch of yummies!

I like how you sing and I giggle when you cuss

But these little lips won’t tell, that would be unjunst!

After all the work you’ve done for me, it wouldn’t be very sweet of me

To say anything unkind, you might just spank my little behind!

So sorry for the little scare early In my stay,

But I’ll have to make it up to you some way.

Maybe I’ll come just a few days early,

And that would make up for it surely!

Those little spider veins will go away,

But the worry lines I’ll give you are here to stay!

I’m worth it though

And this you must know…

I’ve loved every minute of being your son

And the love I will have for you has only just begun.

So pack your bags and get ready for the 1st!

Labor is not as bad as everyone says it is…


Saturday, July 11

Baby Shower

baby shower! July 11, 2009

Saturday was the day of the shower which began with my mother baking some delicious quiche among other goodies! My sister arrived with other yummy treats that she stayed up way too late baking...then the other ladies who were giving the shower arrived with their portions. The food was absolutely delicious!

The guests arrived shortly was wonderful to see so many friends and family who were there to support and share excitement with me. It was true outpouring of love...

We began opening gifts with my sister reading a little poem that she wrote from the baby's perspective. It was too cute to describe, so I'll share it with you in another post. Mom took a few pictures of the event, so when she emails them to me, I'll post them.

Many thanks to all my friends and family who were there, and to the ones who couldn't come, you were missed. Thank you all for the wonderful gifts. I'll post some pictures of the adorable outfits we got as soon as I get them. Special thanks to my sister, Kelly, for all the time, effort, money and thoughtfulness she put into making the shower beautiful!

Friday, July 10

Are you SURE you're only having ONE?

Are you sure you're only having one? July 10, 2009

I flew in to Greenville/Spartanburg, SC (45 minutes from mom's house) on Thursday evening and mom picked me up. We spent a few hours shopping together (which is surprising to you all I'm sure) and then drove home. Friday was spent hanging out and preparing for the shower. I got to see my nephew Jackson a good bit that day, which always makes me smile...

Something that NEVER makes me smile, however, is getting insulted. I was picking up some things from Ingles (a grocery store in the Carolinas) with my sister when this woman came up to me and sweetly said, "When's that baby due?" I smiled back and gently rubbed my belly. I replied, "October 1". She smiled and then looked puzzled. She counted on her fingers, "July, August, September, October." Then she looked at my belly and said, "oh dear, you've still got quite a ways to go! Are you sure you're only having one?"

I was stunned. I almost didn't know what to say. I think I just smiled and said, "yes, that's what they tell me" or something along that line. I was so mortified that I started to cry! Who in their right mind would say such a thing to a pregnant, overly-emotional and obivously large woman!?! I don't get it!!! Grrrrrrrrrr!

Wednesday, July 8

I Passed!

I'm NOT a diabetic! Hooray! July 08, 2009

Well the news is in, and I PASSED my 2nd Glucose test! Yippee! I'm so glad I don't have to worry about counting carbs and watching sugar intake!

I visited my OB today and she said everything was great! I saw Dr. G today and I liked her. I will rotate through the three other doctors there (all female) and then whomever is on call the day I go into labor will deliver.

Next check up is in 2 weeks! Can't wait to hear that heartbeat again! I'll try to post a new belly picture for 28 weeks as soon as possible...

Monday, July 6

No news...

no news is good news...I guess July 06, 2009

Well, haven't heard back from the doc's office yet about the glucose test...hopefully that means that my ability to process and break down sugar is normal after all and I'm not really a failure! :) I go back to the doctor for my routine visit on Wednesday. Let's hope I get good news!

Tuesday, June 30


Failed...WHAT?? June 30, 2009

So, this may come as a shock to some people--but I've never FAILED a test in my LIFE! Imagine my surprise when the nurse called and said, "Ms. Jones, You didn't pass your glucose test. You'll have to do another, more specialized one as soon as possible." WHAT?!?!?

Being the obedient and pleasing person that I am, I cooperated without much fuss and scheduled myself for the THREE HOUR TEST that would take place at some lab somewhere in the middle of this city I still know very little about. My appointment was at 10:00 am and the nurse said I couldn't have anything to eat or drink (besides water) after midnight the night before. Grrr. Why would anyone think that depriving a pregnant woman of food is a good idea?? Anyway, I woke up the morning of the test and it was POURING rain--so I laid in bed to try to distract myself from the gurggles of my rumbling hungry tummy. I got myself ready and grabbed some books and headed off to the testing site. When I got there, the nurse informed me that I'd better make myself comfortable because once the test began I could not leave for three hours. Goodie.

They called me back to draw the first vial of blood and the phlebotomist looks at my veins disappointedly and says, "awwh, they're kind of flat." Duh, I haven't eaten or had any significant fluids since 10 pm! She tried one arm, OUCH! But it didn't work, so she had to try the other arm--OUCH again, but this time it worked...thank you God! I hate being pricked! So then she says, now drink this. Yuck, yuck and more yuck. I hated it the first time and I really hated it the second time. I thought I would throw up--the drink was so sugary and nasty! Flat orange soda concentrate!

Then began the waiting and the sticking...over and over and over...until 3 hours, 5 vials, and 6 needle sticks later I was able to leave. What a day...

The one good thing is that I got to meet another prego girl there about my age who was going through the same thing. We exchanged numbers and who knows...maybe I'll have a new mommy friend! :)

Sunday, June 28

Getting Settled

getting settled June 28, 2009

So today was our official 1 week mark for being here. Hooray, I made it! Things are getting situated better and better each day as we unpack and rearrange and move things and sort things and give things to Goodwill. My kitchen is functional, the living room is liveable and the bedrooms--well, they are a mess and a half but serve their purpose!

The nursery is looking more and more complete! Josh finished painting for me yesterday (and even painted the bathroom that is attached, yeah!). He just has to finish the trimwork in the bathroom and the room will be complete!

Today he put the crib together while I was gone shopping! It looks great! Now I just have to pick out bedding (or fabric) and get going on the decorating part! I have my chair but need to figure out how to make it all's exciting to think about a little person living in that room in just over 3 months!

Friday, June 26


new ob/gyn June 26, 2009

Today I had my first visit with my new doctor here. I really like the's small and personal feeling! Not like my practice back in Winston where they never even bother to remember who you are!

We met with the Nurse Practitioner who handles all new OB patients. She listened to little one's hearbeat and said it was strong and healthy sounding! They made me take the horrible glucose test this time--which wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be. I basically had to drink a lot of really sugary flat orange soda. No results yet, but hopefully no issues there.

The office made my appointments for the rest of my pregnancy...I see them every two weeks now until week 36, then every week until I deliver! It's really exciting!

I have a good feeling about this practice and think it's going to be just right for us!

Wednesday, June 24

Paper, Paper...EVERYWHERE!

So I'm pretty sure that the moving company used an entire forest worth of paper and boxes to move us. I didn't really pay attention to how much packing paper the guys were using when they were packing us up--but boy do I see it now!

Of the 150 or more boxes we unpacked, there was on average about 15 sheets of 2'x3' paper in each one. Not to mention the kitchen boxes (probably 15) which had exponentially more paper because they wrapped every piece in 4-5 sheets! My tupperware has never been so safe! We started throwing the paper down the stair well to get it out of the way and soon we noticed that it was filling up. There was a sea of paper so high and deep that to get outside you had to "swim" through it. Grant enjoyed it, we think. He kept romping around in it trying to get back and forth. I took a picture of Josh standing in the paper, I'll try to post it soon...

Most of you know that Josh is extremely eco-conscious (which I appreciate and try to emulate). While most people would have stuffed the paper into as many plastic garbage bags as it took, my hubby had other plans. He decided it would be best to stack all of the paper in one place. About 5 hours later, we had flattened and stacked each sheet of paper (we're talking thousands people) into nice neat piles. I think I gave myself the same paper cut four times.

Thank you Atlas Moving Co, Thank you Josh, Thank you trees. Thank you God that it's almost over...

Tuesday, June 23

loading and unloading

loading and unloading June 23, 2009

The loading part wasn't hard at all...for me, that is. The poor guys that were loading the truck had to move all our stuff on one of the hottest days in Winston! I did keep them hydrated though, or at least I tried! They started around 8:30 Friday morning and two houses later (they made a trip to "In-Laws-Storage" to pick up more stuff) they finished around 4 pm. Would you believe we had that much to load? Sheesh.

Josh and I watched the gigantic truck pull away...I said a little prayer as it rolled up Linda and Joseph's driveway: "Please let our stuff make it to Florida on time (Tuesday am) and without any damage!"

We drove down Sunday morning around 9:00 with the car loaded down with stuff we weren't allowed to pack in the truck and Grant, of course. The poor guy only had half a seat to lie down upon, but did he complain once? Nope...just slept like a baby, the whole ten hour drive! I, on the other hand, did was a pretty long drive and somewhat uncomfortable with this ever-growing belly of mine.

About 7:00 Sunday night we arrived to our new home in St. Pete...finally. We turned the keys and walked into a very hollow feeling house. Grant was excited, as he always enjoys exploring new places. I was a little less excited when I saw the air matress I would be sleeping upon the next two nights.

Monday morning I decided we should take advantage of the empty house and paint the nursery! So we headed off to Lowe's and bought paint (VOC free, thanks to Kelly's advice) and a few other supplies we thought we'd need for the move. We spent a lot of the afternoon painting but didn't finish like I wanted too, oh well!

So Tuesday am finally comes and we get the call from the movers letting us know they had made it! Whew. What a relief. They came to the door and surveyed the place. I knew it was a bad sign when one of them said, "hmm, these stairs look narrow". Uh-oh.

The poor guys were again stuck in a major heat was 98 degrees that day by 9:30 in the morning...what a tough job! They seriously earned their pay that day!

We had a few bobbles with the move in--our headboard for our bed (designed and built by Josh and Joseph) proved to be the most frustrated of them all. First off, it could be called Beauty and the Beast--it's gorgeous but a nightmare to move. It probably weighs several hundred pounds and is as tall as I am. The guys just barely got it up the first flight of stairs (with Josh's help) and managed to chip a piece off of one of the feet. NOT GOOD. After they assessed the second stair case, they realized that it just wasn't going to make it up. This house was designed for people with "take-apart-able" furniture...

So now the headboard is sitting against the wall in Josh's office/guestroom. It looks really great there--totally looks like it belongs (NOT!!). Grrrr. We're sleeping on our matress on the floor because without the headboard we can't put the rails on--but at least it's a real matress and not the Aerobed!

The movers boogered up the walls in almost every room, but I guess that's to be expected and it's nothing a little paint won't fix.

So, all in all it wasn't horrible--we just don't have nearly enough storage space for everything. It's amazing how much space we actually had in Wilmington. What a difference a couple of closets and an attic makes! We probably should have left way more in Winston but we didn't want to overload Linda and Joseph with more stuff--since half my classroom is currently being stored there! Thanks "MOM and DAD" :)

Next step: UNPACKING! Lord help me!

Thursday, June 18

Packing Up

packing up... June 18, 2009


RJR hired packers as part of the moving compensation with the job. Pretty cool to just sit back and watch someone else do all the work! The uncool thing, however, is that I am going to have ZERO CLUE about where things are...SURPRISE! Maybe it will be as fun as Christmas...(yeah, right).

Sunday, June 14

Moving in the belly...Moving next week!

moving in the belly and moving next week June 14, 2009

So, Josh is already in Florida and has been since May 30. We're doing alright living apart, but I miss him~and I feel sure he's pretty bored down there without any furniture or Grant!

He is enjoying his work so far, but is ready to get past the training and move forward to working solo. The company gave him a 2008 Ford Escape to use for work and personal use, which will be nice since Josh was determined not to trade the Accord for an SUV (much to my dismay). I was happy to hear that we'll be able to travel a bit easier on long roadtrips!

I'm happy to finally have a moving date...the packers come Thursday and the movers load it up on Friday. Crazy to think that our time here in Winston is over--it really feels like it just started! I'm excited and nervous about moving in to our place in Florida. Josh says the neighbors are friendly and the location is pretty convenient.

Speaking of moving, I have been feeling LJ (Little Jones) move around so much! It's amazing to feel him kicking and spreading out in there. He seems to be most active a few hours after I eat! I guess he gets energized! He must be growing because my belly is getting bigger by the minute (or so it seems). I've decided to post a new belly pic every two weeks for a more dramatic change (although there may be a wider gap this time because of the move!).

I might have more ultrasound pics in a few weeks too. I'm supposed to have my new OB appointment on Tuesday the 23rd at 9:15. I'm hoping that doesn't interfere with the moving company's arrival of our stuff! I might have to reschedule that!

Monday, June 1

Ultrasound Looks Good!

ultrasound looks good! June 01, 2009

Hooray! Everything looks good! Our last ultrasound was on Friday as a precautionary follow-up for weird placenta issues. The doctor had a good look at couldn't find anything wrong! The placenta had moved itself up to where it's supposed to be...needless to say Josh and I were relieved and thankful. It was a bit stressful thinking that something could go wrong (which I guess could still happen, but I won't be worrying about it as much)!

I got back from taking Josh to Florida today. He's there for good, starting work sometime soon. He was supposed to start today but Reynolds wasn't quite ready for him--so basically he's stuck in a hotel room with nothing to do! Ugh. We had a great time checking out St. Pete together and trying to get a feel for where we'll be living. The townhouse we're renting will be nice enough...a bit small for guests but overall it will do nicely. I'll have two flights of stairs to truck up and down, but maybe I'll get some built in exercise, right?

I go back to the doctor for my regular 4 week appointment tomorrow. It will be the last one with this practice, thankfully! I'm looking forward to finding a different practice with doctors and staff that might actually know me! I can't wait to start taking child-birth classes there and get a tour of the hospital! So many things to look forward to!

We'll make our move sometime on or before Father's Day weekend--that is, IF, Reynolds ever contacts us about the moving company! Big business...grrrr.

Thursday, May 28

Graduation! Hooray and Brrrr!

graduation--brrrr! May 28, 2009

So graduation weekend was fantastic...not because of the particular pomp and circumstance of the ceremonies or anything (Biden was okay) but more because it's OVER NOW! All the hard work and sweat and many, many tears is all WORTH it! He's officially an MBA (with a JOB)! I couldn't be prouder of his efforts and dedication through this difficult and demanding experience.

I had the cutest dress to wear for graduation that my friend Libby let me borrow. However, it was a strapless sundress and seeing as the forecast predicted the high to be 50, I had to re-think...FAST! I was quite thankful to my friend Hillary who had given me GOBS of maternity clothes (most of which were winter/fall). I dug through the boxes and found a wool sweater and brown pants. I was STILL cold during the hours we had to be outside. Thankfully, it was only from 7:30-10:30 in the cold...then we moved into Wait Chapel where it was at least wind-free!

All in all, a great weekend--clothing issues aside. Yeah Josh! Happy Graduation! Yeah Emily Anne! Happy Retirement! (from teaching anyway!)

Sunday, May 17

Crazy Weeks

crazy weeks May 17, 2009

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything! It's been a busy few weeks! The show (The Jungle Book) went well and thankfully things are wrapping up at school. Only 11 more days!!

We're definitely moving to St. Petersburg, FL (just west of Tampa)! Josh went last weekend to check things out and he found us a place to live. It's a decent sized townhouse that is new and clean and in a safe neighborhood. There is a (small) pool in which I plan to float myself as much as possible through the later months of my pregnancy! I'm excited to see it, as I've only seen pictures so far. Josh starts on Monday, June 1 so I'm driving with him on Saturday and flying back to Greensboro on Monday. I got a killer deal on a flight for a little under 60 bucks (total with tax and fees)!

I had a great visit with my mom and sister over Mother's day weekend. I got to see my nephew Jackson dedicated to his church. We had a nice weekend together and enjoyed good company and good food (always important to a pregnant person!). Here's a picture of Jacks and I...too cute huh?

Being with Jackson makes me aware of how much I love him...which I'm sure can't even compare with the love that I'll soon know for my own child. It's amazing to see and feel...can't wait until my baby boy is out and hopefully looking as adorable!

Wednesday, May 13

Tampa bound...

Tampa Bound? May 13, 2009's not 100% official, but it looks like we're heading to Tampa in a few short weeks. We were thrilled to get this news and just keep hoping that nothing falls through. The other option is San Fransisco, CA, which albeit fun, is very expensive! I don't think I'd like living in a place I could not afford to do anything in!

Baby Jones is doing well and really movin' and groovin' inside me now. I feel him frequently throughout the day! It's quite an amazing feeling! Yeah!!

I've been going to a prenatal yoga class for a few weeks now and I really enjoy it. The instructor is very pro-natural labor--which I'm a fan of (don't know if I'll be a candidate for it but I like the idea)! We do lots of interesting exercises to help focus on breathing, balance, positive energy and strenth. Cool stuff. I hope to find a class like that in Tampa!

Josh will be starting his job in 2 short weeks...but I can't even think about that right now because I'm so stressed about this silly show I've gotten wrapped up in! Thankfully, The Jungle Book KIDS! will be over and done with tomorrow night (technically I have to do it again on Friday, but just for the school). I'm so ready for it to be done, as it has really stressed me out the last few weeks! Perhaps this time I'll listen to the little voice in my head that says, "hey, that might not be the best thing to do right now". Here's hoping I listen.

I go back to the doc on May 29 for another ultrasound to check on my weirdo placenta...the good thing is that we'll have more pics of Baby J!

By the way, just so everyone knows...our baby name voting site is totally for fun. We'd definitely NEVER give our baby the intials VD. Puh-leeeeease!

Here's a pic of 20 wk baby!

Friday, May 1

It's a BOY!

It's a BOY! May 01, 2009

So, I've been feeling like this baby was a boy for a while now. This is based on nothing scientific, just a feeling--and, the chinese gender calendar and! Both sources were giving me boy feedback!

We're thrilled (especially Josh) to be having a boy! I didn't have a preference one way or the other, but he REALLY had his heart set on a little boy! The problem, however, is that we had only agreed on a GIRL name. This will be great once we have a girl...but for now, it's causing problems. One, my family really wants to know the name--but we DON'T have one yet. Two, the name he likes, I don't--and the name I like, he doesn't. So...we resorted to rediculousness and came up with two fake names that we've threatened to use if we can't come up with anything better. Be sure to visit the "name our baby" page to vote for your favorite!

On an unrelated note, pregnancy has NOT been good for my BRAIN! Apparently, this does not get better with time, worse. Case in hair appointment that was scheduled for today. I've been looking forward to a haircut for weeks now...and my roots are showing, ugh! Completely forgot--and didn't even remember until 45 minutes AFTER the appointment. Now I have to wait a whole other week!

Sunday, April 26

Feeling Flutters!

Feeling Flutters! April 26, 2009

So, as I've mentioned before, I was having a hard time distinguishing baby's movement with gas bubbles--a common trouble for women at my stage apparently. But...Friday, as I was sitting in my classroom working while my children were romping around at Field Day (no one would let me go!), I felt this little flutter in the lower mid section of my abdomen. I let out an audible, "oh!" when it happened and thought to myself, was that it? I still wasn't convinced that I had felt baby though, until it happened again last night after dinner! It was the same kind of feeling, but this time it was a little more to the right. Now I want baby to move all the time, it's so amazing!!! I wonder if there's anything I can do to make baby move some more??

Thursday, April 23

17 weeks

17 weeks! April 23, 2009

Today makes 17 weeks for me! That means only 1 more week and 1 day until we find out if we're having a boy jones or a girl jones! I'm so excited!! We'll also get to find out if my placenta is behaving itself or not. If it is, then it will have moved forward and will not be sitting on top of my cervix (as it has been previously!).

I keep waiting to feel baby move but haven't had any real confirmation yet. I've felt what might be movement but they (the people in the books) say that it's often confused with gas. Bummer. I'm hoping that I'll feel something soon...

Baby is busy this week, doing lots of important things! He or she is about five inches long and weighs more than three and a half ounces! Baby's ears are able to hear loud sounds like doorbells and/or dog barking...guess he hears it when Whitaker goes crazy! Baby's eyes are making small side-to-side movements and can even perceive some light, though the eyelids are still sealed.

Here's a picture of what baby might look like right about now...

Tuesday, April 21

Where Oh Where?

Where, oh where? April 21, 2009

So, most of you know that Josh will be graduating in May WITH a JOB!! We're so blessed and thank God that we don't have to be on the search! However, the job that he's secured will eventually be based out of Winston-Salem--AFTER THE FIRST 18 MOS! We were hoping we'd find out where the company is sending us several months ago as he starts June 1 and our lease is up May 31. You would think that we would know by now, but no such luck. We thought we'd hear a couple of weeks ago--they said check back. We thought we'd hear today...they said check back. They also said that the chances of us being placed in the southeast were looking slim. Grrrrrrr.

I'm freaking out here--I'm going to be all alone in a brand new city with an infant! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!

Pray the we find out where in the next few weeks to give us adequate time to find housing.

Pray for a warm and drivable location!!

Sunday, April 19

Feeling Good

Feeling Good... April 19, 2009

so it's almost been a week since i noticed the bleeding and i'm relieved to say that it appears to be gone! i think the extra rest has helped the most!
i'm anxious about starting work again tomorrow...i just hope nothing happens after working all day--and having drama club. i've considered just canning the whole drama club thing, but honestly it affects too many people. the show, The Jungle Book, will go up May 14. I just have to make it 4 more weeks. the good thing is that my principal is totally supportive and i have great parents that are willing to do lots to help me. i only have 3 more songs to choreograph and hopefully the kids will be fast learners!

my goal for tomorrow is to TAKE IT EASY. i have a feeling that my colleagues aren't going to let me do much for myself, and my assistant teacher marge will probably make me sit down most of the day! i hate feeling so helpless--but it could be worse. i can't imagine being one of those people on bedrest for months at a time! so, i promise...i will do everything that i can to make sure that doesn't happen! :)

here's a picture of a 16 wk fetus...i'm sure baby jones looks very much like this right about now.

Thursday, April 16

Boring is Better

boring is better April 16, 2009

i just spent an hour and a half explaining all of the details of my recent scare and this stupid computer lost it all.

i don't feel like telling the whole story over again so here's the short version:


started bleeding and cramping, called doctor, on hold for over 25 minutes, doctor friend got through for me, went home put feet up


5:30 am woke up, bled through the night quite heavily, called doctor, said to come in when office opened at 8:30, worried the whole time until then

9:45 went in for ultrasound, baby was fine, have a placenta previa which means my placenta is down low and hasn't moved up yet, doc put me on bedrest for a couple of days


spent entire day doing nothing but watching TV and reading magazines, internet wasn't working, grrrr.


home again with nothing to do, can't even really enjoy my time off from work because i'm so bored, finally got internet to work, updated my blog and spent a ton of time writing an amazing entry that was as entertaining as it was compelling, lost entry due to stupid computer

I guess the two lessons I've learned this week are:

1.) slow down, nothing is more important than the baby in my belly


2.) save your work before submitting anything online!

Wednesday, April 1

Almost 4 months!

Almost 4 months! April 12, 2009

On Thursday of this week, I'll officially be 4 months along! So far I've had a really boring pregnancy, the only complaint being how tired I am.

Last week I went for my monthly checkup to the doctor's office and got to hear the baby's heart beat again. This time it was much easier for the doctor to find because baby's getting bigger! The heartrate was really fast but much slower than last time. Some people have said that slower heart rate=boy...but who knows!

The doc said I was doing great and should count my blessings for not being sick! I definitely have been!

Here's a picture of what a fetus at 15wks looks like about now.

Tuesday, March 31


rubberbanded March 31, 2009

well, i'm 14 weeks along now and feel mostly normal. i guess i look mostly normal too--except up close up. you see, when you look closely (and if I lift my shirt a tad) , you'll notice that i actually cannot zip nor button my normal pants. i really don't want to be wearing maternity clothes just yet, so what's a girl to do? alas, some genius came up with the idea of the rubberband! just a simple thread and loop through the button hole of most pants and it's an automatic size extender! it's perfect! i just have to make sure that my shirts are long enough to cover it...and that i remember to close it every time i go to the bathroom (which feels like every 30 minutes with all the water i'm drinking!).

Monday, March 30

nursery furniture on the way! March 30, 2009

so, a while back Josh and I went furniture browsing at a couple different places. we decided on a crib at potterybarnkids, so I went online and "registered" for it...mainly because I was dying to register for something!

well...a few days ago I got an email from pbkids saying that the stuff we registered for was in "limited supply" and that we should order it right away. yeah right, I thought. so I called them up and said, "just how limited is this stuff?" when she told me that there were 10 left (for the whole pbkids viewing audience)!

we really wanted to wait until we were in our new location before getting nursery furniture (who the heck knows where that will be?!), but decided that we really didn't want to risk having to start the deciding process over again.

needless to say, we went ahead and ordered our crib and changing table/dresser. now we'll have two huge pieces of furniture to add to all the other crap we'll be moving in less than 2 months (to a location that we still have NO IDEA ABOUT!) aaaaaaaah!

About Me

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We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".