Wednesday, November 25

6 weeks!

So, at 6 weeks our little boy is melting our hearts! Not that he didn't do that before, but now it almost seems intentional! :)

He is smiling and flirting in response to my voice or my smile and he does the same to his daddy! It's pretty rewarding to see that beautiful smile. It's really funny when he smiles, because his whole face scrunges up and his eyes all but disappear! Many times he'll stick his little tongue out too--oh how sweet!

Landon is doing really well most of the day, as long as he doesn't have tummy trouble. Tummy trouble is mainly gas. Bummer...he's got it bad. I've tried changing my diet and have cut out just about everything I could and still live--but to no avail. His pediatrician says that he just has to grow out of it. It's terribly sad to see such a happy-minded baby turn cranky in .02 seconds! Gas drops seem to help somewhat, but they are a temporary fix. So...we bounce. A lot. In fact, we bounce so much that I'm working on some really good quad muscles and killer shoulders and biceps-I should be ripped by bikini season. (oh yeah, i'm NEVER wearing a bikini again! thanks for those lovely stretch-marks, Gigantor).

When he's not having tummy troubles, Landon is a pretty darn good sleeper! He typically takes 4-5 naps a day, varying from 45 mins to 1 hr 45 min. Most of the time, he wants to sleep more than 45 minutes but he gets awoken by gas. grrrr. Most nights, he goes down around 8:30 or 9:00 and I wake him for a "dream feed" at 10:30 or 11:00. He continues to sleep usually until 4ish. Then I feed him again and put him right back down until he wakes up between 7:30 and 8:30. All in all, I can't complain. At six weeks...he's doing great!

We have a 2 month appointment on the 9th...can't wait to see how long he is and how much he weighs! It seems like he's grown so much, so fast! He's already outgrown his 3 month sleepers...and pretty much anything else in 3 month size that has feet! He's wearing 6 month size sleepers because they're the only things LONG enough for this baby! I can't even put him in those great little gowns because they don't make them long enough!

Click on the first picture to be taken to our web albums page. Enjoy, and we'd love to hear from you through comments! :)

Monday, November 23

5 weeks and Nana visits!

So, Josh and I have officially been married for 4 years on Nov 19! What a difference 4 years makes, huh? We certainly celebrated differently this in, we didn't. Unfortunately, it's really hard to get out of the house with a 5 week old baby and no babysitters! But, FORTUNATELY, my mom (Nana) decided to fly in with her hubby Jerry for the weekend! Hooray! We had a wonderful, albeit short, visit together. They were even gracious enough to babysit Landon on Saturday afternoon so Josh and I could go on a "date" to the movies (we saw New Moon-pretty good!). They left early on Sunday. I cried.

Click on the above picture for more pictures of our little guy at 5 weeks...

Wednesday, November 11

4 weeks...

It's hard to believe that 4 weeks ago today, we welcomed our new little boy into the world! What a lot of changes we've been through so far! I feel like I've adjusted pretty well but we're still learning each other. I'm still trying to figure out what cry means what and how to best fulfill all of his needs without completely neglecting my own (do I HAVE to eat today?)

At one month old, Landon is starting to wake up a bit (ok, a lot!). He definitely has his fussy time (usually around 4 or 5 and lasting until bedtime at 7 or 8). Landon is very good at making "presents" for us--most of which are intended for Josh, but somehow end up with me being the one opening them! We continue to be amazed at the number of diapers he goes through in a day. I'm glad I haven't started using my cloth diapers yet...cause I just don't have enough to make it through one day! And, who needs to do diaper laundry twice a day? Not me.

Our little guy is growing fast...his 4 week appointment showed that he is now 10 lbs 2 oz and 23 1/2 inches long! He had a slow start regaining his birth weight (partially because my milk was slow to come in and because he was growing in length too) but is right on track and at the top of the percentiles now. He's 100th for length and 95th for weight! We're so proud of our big boy!

Landon still doesn't quite have the day's activities figured out yet. He's great at eating but wants to fall asleep during and right after feeding! He doesn't understand that he needs to be awake to eat and for a few minutes after. When he's supposed to sleep...he wants to be awake! At least he knows that night time is for sleeping--he gives me about 2-3 hours at a time and sometimes more! He's working on it...slowly but surely. As "Aunt Kelly" told him, "It's hard being little."

Here's a new picture at 4 weeks old.

Monday, November 2

Belly Pics...all in one place

Here's all my belly pics. WARNING, the images you are about to see go from cute to OBSCENE very quickly.

5weeks11 weeks
14 weeks17 weeks20 weeks22 weeks 23 weeks26 weeks32 weeks34 weeks36 1/2 weeks39 weeks

About Me

My photo
We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".