Sunday, April 26

Feeling Flutters!

Feeling Flutters! April 26, 2009

So, as I've mentioned before, I was having a hard time distinguishing baby's movement with gas bubbles--a common trouble for women at my stage apparently. But...Friday, as I was sitting in my classroom working while my children were romping around at Field Day (no one would let me go!), I felt this little flutter in the lower mid section of my abdomen. I let out an audible, "oh!" when it happened and thought to myself, was that it? I still wasn't convinced that I had felt baby though, until it happened again last night after dinner! It was the same kind of feeling, but this time it was a little more to the right. Now I want baby to move all the time, it's so amazing!!! I wonder if there's anything I can do to make baby move some more??

Thursday, April 23

17 weeks

17 weeks! April 23, 2009

Today makes 17 weeks for me! That means only 1 more week and 1 day until we find out if we're having a boy jones or a girl jones! I'm so excited!! We'll also get to find out if my placenta is behaving itself or not. If it is, then it will have moved forward and will not be sitting on top of my cervix (as it has been previously!).

I keep waiting to feel baby move but haven't had any real confirmation yet. I've felt what might be movement but they (the people in the books) say that it's often confused with gas. Bummer. I'm hoping that I'll feel something soon...

Baby is busy this week, doing lots of important things! He or she is about five inches long and weighs more than three and a half ounces! Baby's ears are able to hear loud sounds like doorbells and/or dog barking...guess he hears it when Whitaker goes crazy! Baby's eyes are making small side-to-side movements and can even perceive some light, though the eyelids are still sealed.

Here's a picture of what baby might look like right about now...

Tuesday, April 21

Where Oh Where?

Where, oh where? April 21, 2009

So, most of you know that Josh will be graduating in May WITH a JOB!! We're so blessed and thank God that we don't have to be on the search! However, the job that he's secured will eventually be based out of Winston-Salem--AFTER THE FIRST 18 MOS! We were hoping we'd find out where the company is sending us several months ago as he starts June 1 and our lease is up May 31. You would think that we would know by now, but no such luck. We thought we'd hear a couple of weeks ago--they said check back. We thought we'd hear today...they said check back. They also said that the chances of us being placed in the southeast were looking slim. Grrrrrrr.

I'm freaking out here--I'm going to be all alone in a brand new city with an infant! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!

Pray the we find out where in the next few weeks to give us adequate time to find housing.

Pray for a warm and drivable location!!

Sunday, April 19

Feeling Good

Feeling Good... April 19, 2009

so it's almost been a week since i noticed the bleeding and i'm relieved to say that it appears to be gone! i think the extra rest has helped the most!
i'm anxious about starting work again tomorrow...i just hope nothing happens after working all day--and having drama club. i've considered just canning the whole drama club thing, but honestly it affects too many people. the show, The Jungle Book, will go up May 14. I just have to make it 4 more weeks. the good thing is that my principal is totally supportive and i have great parents that are willing to do lots to help me. i only have 3 more songs to choreograph and hopefully the kids will be fast learners!

my goal for tomorrow is to TAKE IT EASY. i have a feeling that my colleagues aren't going to let me do much for myself, and my assistant teacher marge will probably make me sit down most of the day! i hate feeling so helpless--but it could be worse. i can't imagine being one of those people on bedrest for months at a time! so, i promise...i will do everything that i can to make sure that doesn't happen! :)

here's a picture of a 16 wk fetus...i'm sure baby jones looks very much like this right about now.

Thursday, April 16

Boring is Better

boring is better April 16, 2009

i just spent an hour and a half explaining all of the details of my recent scare and this stupid computer lost it all.

i don't feel like telling the whole story over again so here's the short version:


started bleeding and cramping, called doctor, on hold for over 25 minutes, doctor friend got through for me, went home put feet up


5:30 am woke up, bled through the night quite heavily, called doctor, said to come in when office opened at 8:30, worried the whole time until then

9:45 went in for ultrasound, baby was fine, have a placenta previa which means my placenta is down low and hasn't moved up yet, doc put me on bedrest for a couple of days


spent entire day doing nothing but watching TV and reading magazines, internet wasn't working, grrrr.


home again with nothing to do, can't even really enjoy my time off from work because i'm so bored, finally got internet to work, updated my blog and spent a ton of time writing an amazing entry that was as entertaining as it was compelling, lost entry due to stupid computer

I guess the two lessons I've learned this week are:

1.) slow down, nothing is more important than the baby in my belly


2.) save your work before submitting anything online!

Wednesday, April 1

Almost 4 months!

Almost 4 months! April 12, 2009

On Thursday of this week, I'll officially be 4 months along! So far I've had a really boring pregnancy, the only complaint being how tired I am.

Last week I went for my monthly checkup to the doctor's office and got to hear the baby's heart beat again. This time it was much easier for the doctor to find because baby's getting bigger! The heartrate was really fast but much slower than last time. Some people have said that slower heart rate=boy...but who knows!

The doc said I was doing great and should count my blessings for not being sick! I definitely have been!

Here's a picture of what a fetus at 15wks looks like about now.

About Me

My photo
We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".