Sunday, October 31

Happy Halloween! wasn't his first Halloween technically speaking...but it was his first one dressing up. We didn't do a whole lot, but he enjoyed walking around. He didn't even mind the insanely hot costume I put on him. Amazing, considering the following:

1-it was 87 degrees at 6 o'clock
2-his costume had a head piece (he hates anything on his head)
3-his costume was a little too short in the stride, so I'm pretty sure he had a wedgie the whole time.

We stayed out all of 30 whole minutes but the poor kid was sweating so bad we just couldn't last any longer than that. I guess next year we'll have to let him get some candy, huh?

:) Happy Halloween!
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Wednesday, October 20 pie.

Thanks to my mom and Jerry I have a whole box of fresh NC apples. So it seemed fitting to bake apple pies with them. Nothing spells Fall like apple pie...even if it is still 85 degrees.


Thursday, October 14

Happy Birthday Baby!

Dear Landon,

One year ago today you made me the happiest, most joyful, most grateful, most exhausted, most terrifyed, most elated woman in the world. I can't tell you how much I love won't ever know until you have a son of your own one day...and even then, I'm not sure you'll really know.

Oh how this year has changed me! I used to get up when I wanted you wake me up when you want to...usually much earlier than I want. I used to get dressed up and go shopping all day, sometimes without even stopping to eat! Now I throw clothes on that I don't mind getting slobber, snot, bananas, milk, or any other various sticky substance strewn upon--and I RARELY EVER LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT YOU. That means I don't go shopping for me anymore...only for you (and daddy)...and IF we are shopping, then we definitely have to fit it in on YOUR schedule: In between feedings and naps...which feels like occurs EVERY 2-4 hours depending on how old you were/are. I also used to sit down and eat what I wanted to, and when I wanted to. I drank water all day long because it was healthy and I remembered to do it. Now...I am so busy tending to you that I don't have time to fix myself a I end up snacking on yours. I guess the good thing about that is I don't eat enough to gain a ton of weight. I also don't drink enough anymore to stay well hydrated, leaving me constantly thirsty! Do you see how many sacrifices I have made/continue to make for you?? All because I love you...oh, how I love you!

I have always considered myself a patient person. A first grade teacher needs to be a patient person afterall. But, I have certainly grown more patient because of you. You are very, very determined. You really, really, really know what you want (or you think you do) and you will keep trying to get it for a while. You are a problem-solver and you amaze daddy and I every day with the things you do. We can't get much past you!

We tried to give you a cake at your birthday party. I made a very pretty cake (that I worked on for hours) with an adorable polka-dotted number 1 on the top. You were supposed to dig in to it and make a mess...but did you want to do that? Nope. I chalked it up to the fact that it was fondant and not very "dig-in-able". So we tried For your real birthday I bought you a red velvet cream-cheese icing topped cupcake. I thought for sure that you would dig in to this was much messier looking. But instead, you just decided that cake and cupcakes were not for you...what 1 year old screams at his cake? I don't know...but you did. Here's a picture to prove it.

"I love my birthday!"
"I wonder what that flickering light is? Looks interesting."

"why oh why did you bring me cake?!"

"I HATE cake!!!!!! I don't WANT to have a birthday!"

I'm going to hope that next year's birthday will be more entertaining...and maybe you won't be getting three teeth at once.

I love you sweet baby...sweet one year-old of mine....I love you sooooo.


Sunday, October 10

Landon's Birthday Party!

We had so much fun at Landon's birthday party on Sunday. I can't believe all the friends and family who came to celebrate with us! What an awesome turn out! Here are a few pictures from the big event! Unfortunately, I didn't get to take many of them because I was so busy trying to keep up with guests! We're going to do another smash cake attempt on his real birthday because the fondant on the cake I made didn't really lend itself to much mess. Thanks to everyone who came and all those who were thinking of us on that day! Enjoy the pics!

 Vanilla cupcakes with fondant toppers. Thanks to my sweet cousins who helped me cut and put them together!

Carrot cake with cream cheese icing and fondant overlay. It looked better than it tasted, but that was the goal!

 "Hmmm, what is this thing and why is everyone singing to me?"

Oh, this is kinda fun....

More please!

Opening presents...this is great!

Wow...look how many babies and kids there were...I think we counted 12!

Friday, October 8

And we're walking!

Landon's first steps were on September 20 and ever since he's been getting braver and faster. Here is a new video of him cousin Heather is visiting from Boston and helped me capture it!

Friday, October 1

A year ago...

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I have been reminiscing about my pregnancy as my baby approaches one year old! It's amazing how fast time goes year ago, I looked that this! This picture was taken right around my due date...10/1. Little did I know that I was going to be waiting 2 more weeks! Wow! Look at that belly! I think it actually got bigger, too. Ha ha ha! I'm almost back to my normal body...pretty amazing if you consider I gained almost 45 pounds. :)

About Me

My photo
We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".