Sunday, December 12

Happy? Holidays Photo Shoot

Here's my little elf. Not particulary in the mood for holiday photo shots. I promise he does smile...just apparently not on command! Oh well... When you're one, you're always cute right?

"Hmmmmm...this stuff is interesting. Kind of like snow, but easier to hold!"

"Wait a second. This stuff is sticking to my hand..."

"I don't want it on my hand! Ick! I HATE sand!!!!" (Just like his mommy!)

"Birds? Hey, come back here birds! I want to chase you!"

"Oh birdies! I'm coming after you!"


"...But I don't like this hat. Not at all!"

"Didn't you HEAR me?!"

Merry Days...

Season's greetings! Holiday family pic coming soon...although it was extremely difficult getting a good shot of everyone! Plus, I totally overexposed the shots I did get because I was playing around with my camera's settings. Why did I even think for one second that I could outsmart a Nikon??? Sigh.

Aside from the fact that it's December and we've only had 4 days under 60 degrees, it just doesn't feel like Christmas to me yet. I think it's mostly due to the fact that I didn't do much decorating this year. But not really by choice. Unfortunately we didn't get a tree (again!) because we are traveling so much and my financial advisor (hubs) felt it would've been a waste of moola. However, I forced a little bit of holiday cheer in my household by adding a few little decorations here and there. I had a baby tree that I used to put up in my classroom so I put a few lights on it and threw a skirt under it. I flip the lights on everyday and it makes me smile. Kinda sad not having a tree for the fourth year in a row! I'm not sure I even remember what my ornaments look like! And...our house doesn't have a fireplace and therefore, no mantle. So I got creative hung our stockings above the tv.  Mine is the maribou feather one, Josh's is the plaid one and Landon's is the reindeer! I couldn't find Grant's stocking...sorry Grant.

Here ae a few pics just for my BFF Ang (and any of my other faithful follower! ) :) Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 30

Bathtime, Bracelets and Besos (spanish for kisses)

Landon loves the bath... he also loves my jewelry box. He likes to go into the drawers and pull out all my bracelets. Tonight he particularly liked these two. So much so that he had to take them into the bathtub with him. Sometimes he'll give them to me when I ask, but other times he keeps them to himself.

One of the cutest things he is doing now is giving kisses... enjoy!

Love this boy!

What a cutie huh? Love this big boy!!!

Saturday, November 27

Sunday, October 31

Happy Halloween! wasn't his first Halloween technically speaking...but it was his first one dressing up. We didn't do a whole lot, but he enjoyed walking around. He didn't even mind the insanely hot costume I put on him. Amazing, considering the following:

1-it was 87 degrees at 6 o'clock
2-his costume had a head piece (he hates anything on his head)
3-his costume was a little too short in the stride, so I'm pretty sure he had a wedgie the whole time.

We stayed out all of 30 whole minutes but the poor kid was sweating so bad we just couldn't last any longer than that. I guess next year we'll have to let him get some candy, huh?

:) Happy Halloween!
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Wednesday, October 20 pie.

Thanks to my mom and Jerry I have a whole box of fresh NC apples. So it seemed fitting to bake apple pies with them. Nothing spells Fall like apple pie...even if it is still 85 degrees.


Thursday, October 14

Happy Birthday Baby!

Dear Landon,

One year ago today you made me the happiest, most joyful, most grateful, most exhausted, most terrifyed, most elated woman in the world. I can't tell you how much I love won't ever know until you have a son of your own one day...and even then, I'm not sure you'll really know.

Oh how this year has changed me! I used to get up when I wanted you wake me up when you want to...usually much earlier than I want. I used to get dressed up and go shopping all day, sometimes without even stopping to eat! Now I throw clothes on that I don't mind getting slobber, snot, bananas, milk, or any other various sticky substance strewn upon--and I RARELY EVER LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT YOU. That means I don't go shopping for me anymore...only for you (and daddy)...and IF we are shopping, then we definitely have to fit it in on YOUR schedule: In between feedings and naps...which feels like occurs EVERY 2-4 hours depending on how old you were/are. I also used to sit down and eat what I wanted to, and when I wanted to. I drank water all day long because it was healthy and I remembered to do it. Now...I am so busy tending to you that I don't have time to fix myself a I end up snacking on yours. I guess the good thing about that is I don't eat enough to gain a ton of weight. I also don't drink enough anymore to stay well hydrated, leaving me constantly thirsty! Do you see how many sacrifices I have made/continue to make for you?? All because I love you...oh, how I love you!

I have always considered myself a patient person. A first grade teacher needs to be a patient person afterall. But, I have certainly grown more patient because of you. You are very, very determined. You really, really, really know what you want (or you think you do) and you will keep trying to get it for a while. You are a problem-solver and you amaze daddy and I every day with the things you do. We can't get much past you!

We tried to give you a cake at your birthday party. I made a very pretty cake (that I worked on for hours) with an adorable polka-dotted number 1 on the top. You were supposed to dig in to it and make a mess...but did you want to do that? Nope. I chalked it up to the fact that it was fondant and not very "dig-in-able". So we tried For your real birthday I bought you a red velvet cream-cheese icing topped cupcake. I thought for sure that you would dig in to this was much messier looking. But instead, you just decided that cake and cupcakes were not for you...what 1 year old screams at his cake? I don't know...but you did. Here's a picture to prove it.

"I love my birthday!"
"I wonder what that flickering light is? Looks interesting."

"why oh why did you bring me cake?!"

"I HATE cake!!!!!! I don't WANT to have a birthday!"

I'm going to hope that next year's birthday will be more entertaining...and maybe you won't be getting three teeth at once.

I love you sweet baby...sweet one year-old of mine....I love you sooooo.


Sunday, October 10

Landon's Birthday Party!

We had so much fun at Landon's birthday party on Sunday. I can't believe all the friends and family who came to celebrate with us! What an awesome turn out! Here are a few pictures from the big event! Unfortunately, I didn't get to take many of them because I was so busy trying to keep up with guests! We're going to do another smash cake attempt on his real birthday because the fondant on the cake I made didn't really lend itself to much mess. Thanks to everyone who came and all those who were thinking of us on that day! Enjoy the pics!

 Vanilla cupcakes with fondant toppers. Thanks to my sweet cousins who helped me cut and put them together!

Carrot cake with cream cheese icing and fondant overlay. It looked better than it tasted, but that was the goal!

 "Hmmm, what is this thing and why is everyone singing to me?"

Oh, this is kinda fun....

More please!

Opening presents...this is great!

Wow...look how many babies and kids there were...I think we counted 12!

Friday, October 8

And we're walking!

Landon's first steps were on September 20 and ever since he's been getting braver and faster. Here is a new video of him cousin Heather is visiting from Boston and helped me capture it!

Friday, October 1

A year ago...

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I have been reminiscing about my pregnancy as my baby approaches one year old! It's amazing how fast time goes year ago, I looked that this! This picture was taken right around my due date...10/1. Little did I know that I was going to be waiting 2 more weeks! Wow! Look at that belly! I think it actually got bigger, too. Ha ha ha! I'm almost back to my normal body...pretty amazing if you consider I gained almost 45 pounds. :)

Thursday, September 16

Luminary for Zack

Tomorrow, Zack will turn 12. He's proven that he is in this battle to win it! He even took his first steps walking today! I'm so proud of him...

His friends and family made special luminaries in his honor tonight...and here's mine.

I didn't have a paper bag, so I improvised with a glass. Hopefully it still has a nice look. I'm overwhelmed with happiness thinking about the good news that he and his family received this week. His cancer appears to be treatable. It's still very aggressive, but at least there is hope. Hope is a very, very good thing. Yea God!

Monday, September 13

I can use a fork (kinda)!

Enjoy watching Landon attempt to eat with a real fork. Mmmmm, mac and cheese!

Sunday, September 12

Night run

Beautiful night for a run. Too bad its still 86 degrees out and 80 % humidity. Ick!

Saturday, September 11

30 Reasons I'm Grateful to be 30

*in no particular order, but the first ones are the most important...

1. I have the most amazing God living inside my heart. He actually loves me despite all of my many, many flaws.
2. I have the most amazing son...irritating, frustrating, and stress-inducing he may be, but he's the light of my life and so stinkin' cute I can't stand it.
3. That cute little boy of mine can give me high-fives and big, slobbery kisses. Love it!
4. I have an awesome husband. He's not perfect, but what fun is there in that? He loves me, loves our son and works his tail off to provide for us. Sure he could be more romantic and thoughtful, maybe help out with baby stuff more, but he tries...and he's working on things.
5. I have an amazing mom. I just don't think I can elaborate on that enough. Really, she's one amazing lady...and I'm turning into her each year I grow older! Good thing I think that's a good thing, right?
6. I have a wonderful sister. Sure, we argue (and did for about 26 years) but most of the time we provide comfort and a shoulder for each other. Plus, she's pretty darn funny. I am blessed to have aquired an equally wonderful brother from her. Love them...and their two amazing children.
7. I am blessed to still have my dad in my life. He was pretty close to being gone a few years ago from a heart attack. I'm pretty sure God isn't quite done with him yet.... We're a lot alike and both enjoy many of the same things--especially really good food.
8. I was blessed to marry into a terrific family. My in-laws don't feel like in-laws at all...just extra parents. Love them so much.
9. Along with great in-laws...I got another sister. She is a fantastic addition to my life and I love her so much. I recently got another brother too...she just got married!
10. I have amazing friends...from high school, college, Wilmington, Winston and here. God sure knows who you need in your life and when. I am blessed and honored to have met some really beautiful hearts in my 30 years of life. You know who you are ladies...
11. I have the most adorable god-son in the world. Yep. In the world!
12. I am the doggy mom to the World's Best Weimmy. Grant was my first born and he's the greatest.
13. I am blessed to live in a beautiful house...that we (and the bank) own! It's filled with lovely things (that aren't really that important in the grand scheme of things, but still nice to have.)
14. I am fortunate to be able to stay home with my baby and watch him grown and learn. Yes, it's busy. Yes, I wish I had more time to myself, but no...I don't wish it were different. I'm really lucky.
15. I have a great church family. What a joy to be able to worship our God with such fantastic people.
16. I have (almost) reached my pre-pregance weight. Still working on that pre-pregnancy "shape".
17. I just received a new BOB running stroller for a birthday gift (to help with #16!). Love it.
18. I am able to go for walks and runs by just walking out my back door. Gorgeous birds, beautiful water, friendly people and occasionally a porpoise or manatee!
19. I'm 15 minutes from some of the most beautiful beaches in the country. Whoa. Awesome. (If only I had more time and 4 extra hands).
20. I live in a great city and am 25 minutes or less from THREE malls. Yep, it's true.
21. I live 35 minutes from a huge strip of outlets. Score!
22. I have unlimited text messages and mobile to moblie minutes so I can type and talk to all the people I miss from NC and elsewhere!
23. I hold a valid teaching license (that I might not ever use again?) and still have the skills to teach...if I wanted to.
24. I have taught approximately 200 children in my career...did I make a difference in their lives? I would like to think so...
25. I have been able to use some of my God-given talents to entertain by singing, acting and dancing (that's really entertaining, ha ha!) at several theatres in NC...I hope to return to doing this again in the next 30 years of my life.
26. I have been a part of several service groups...and want to join some others one day.
27. I own (well, "we" own) both of our cars! Hooray for no debt beyond mortgage!
28. I'm thrilled to have a new phone...even thought it's not an's actually better.
29. I'm happy to have a computer that still works...even though it's old...and slow...and not a mac.
30. I currently have all of my things in one house...not still in 3 different locations.

So...that's my list. Hooray for 30! :)

Friday, September 3

Best Buds

We have some of the greatest friends here. I won't talk about the fact that I could be leaving these friends sooner than later because it makes my heart hurt. I don't like that. So while we're here and know nothing of a move, we'll just make the most of our friends.

Today, for example, was a great friend day. My girlfriend Sally came over with her adorable 8 month-old, Mac. We are in similar life phases right now and we have so much in common. A photo shoot was on the agenda for today and oh what fun we had! Landon and Mac are best buddies for sure, despite a few hair-pulling and toy-swiping episodes. Here are a few of the cutest pics!

And then later today, my girlfriend Kerri came over with her equally-adorable 2-year old Jackson. I so enjoy Kerri's company as she is one of my "tell it like it is" friends. I never worry about getting the truth from her! She also has a sweet and precious baby named Max that is one month (to the day!) older than Landon. They are good buddies too! We enjoy geting those babies together. Too bad I don't have a single shot of those two! It's on my list for sure! I am lucky to have Kerri as my buddy...and to also call her my neighbor...she lives only a few blocks away!

Hooray for friends! God is so good.

Thursday, September 2

Funny Friend

When my phone died, I sent an email to all of my friends asking for their information again. One of dear friends (who is currently living in China!) wrote this back to me. I thought it was I asked him if I could post it.

"I am sorry to hear about the death of your phone. I am sure it was a dear phone with which you enjoyed many wonderful hours of conversation. It is times like these, unexpected though they may be, that give us pause to reflect on the fragile nature of life in the digital world. But the loss of memories, be them 1GB or 8GB, are no loss at all as they propel us on to bigger memories, like 16GB or 32GB. So do not fret! With the help of friends and family, those bigger memories can be filled!"

:) Thank goodness I mysteriously recovered all my data. Whew!


Daddy loves to tickle Landon. I think he might just enjoy it.

Tub time

I thought babies were supposed to like playing in the tub? Why then, does my child immediately want to get out!? So frustrating. It's hard enough to bathe a 10 month-old while he's sitting...but standing up is nearly impossible!

Tuesday, August 31


And we're walking...well, with a walker. Landon has gotten quite confident with walking as long as he's behind a walker or attached with one hand to something (most often my leg!). He is very busy...and quite a little handful. I feel sure he's the reason I'm just flat out exhausted these days. Check out the little guy zooming across the floor and giving a "high-five" (after lots of coaxing!). Enjoy!

Sunday, August 29

Pat, Pat, Pat

Landon loves Grant. Oh, so much. He loves climbing on him, grabbing him, touching him, trying to eat him, and basically anything else that has to do with him! He gets the biggest kick out of "patting" him. He loves it when we say "pat, pat, pat". Landon also loves going to and playing in, on and around his crate. See video below. Enjoy. :)

Friday, August 27

Back in Business!

Hi folks! I've been lax in posting lately but it's not entirely my fault. We've had lots going on (what else is new?) part of which has involved me not having a phone! With my old phone (Blackberry Curve) I was able to snap cute pics and upload them in an instant. The same was true for videos...when I took the time to do it. may remember a previous post back in March or April (I'll look for it) where my phone was accidentally submerged in water. I thought it was dead then but it actually dried out and worked beautifully. That is, until two Sundays ago. My phone was working great and I was reading a text when all of a sudden, BLANK. NOTHING, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA. Not even a power light! UGH! Apparently once your phone gets wet it basically gets "cancer". You never really know how bad it is or when it's going to take over!

I won't bore anyone with the details of my panic-ridden escapade to the Verizon store, but you can imagine my horror when Sean the Verizon guy informed me that I would be without a phone for a while. Then imagine the amplified horror when Sean told me that I had lost ALL of my contacts!

Once I got over, or accepted rather, the fact that 10 years worth of information was instantly GONE; I decided to deal with getting a new phone. I picked out the phone I wanted and proceeded to order it thinking it would be 2-3 days worth of phone-less waiting. As it turns out, I had to wait 2 weeks!!!!!!!

Finally, the phone came and I was able to get it programmed. Hooray for working phone! I started the process of adding in as many contacts as I could through my email requests...but it was very slow. And then...the most AMAZING thing of all happened! I had given my dead blackberry to Landon to play with. He was busy pressing buttons and chewing on the screen. Suddenly I look over and see his face light up. Not with joy, but with LIGHT. From my phone! He had mysteriously turned it on somehow! Perhaps a combination of baby drool and forceful banging upon hard objects makes dead phones turn back on. Who knows. Needless to say, I rushed right over and say Verizon guy and he was able to take all my contacts and put them on my new phone. Then he handed the phone to Landon and it turned off as mysteriously as it turned on. No joke.

So basically...I'm back in blog-business. I have a new phone and will be uploading new pics and videos. :) Yippee!

Tuesday, August 17

phone woes

So...when my blackberry was working, it was very easy to snap a picture and upload it right to my blog! That was probably the reason I was able to post as frequently (infrequently, lately) as I did. But now...oh woe is me! My phone is completely and totally dead. All my contacts and information and past text messages and, and, and...IS GONE! I have had zero contact with the world outside of my landline phone (which we only randomly got because it came free with a package for our internet). I used to think I had an exceptional memory...but ask me what my mother-in-law's phone number is. father-in-law? sister-in-law? best friends here in St Pete? these are people that I talk to all the time...but HAVE NO CLUE how to reach anymore! All I can say is THANK GOODNESS FOR FACEBOOK and EMAIL! What a hassle! New phone is supposed to be here tomorrow...I'm hoping so anyway. How did our mothers accomplish daily tasks without a cell phone? I don't even like to be driving without one! I guess it's a whole different world now, huh?

Saturday, August 14

Photo of the Day

Hmmmm. Not something you see everyday. Wonder how they have so many coffee makers?

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Sunday, August 1

Ugh oh

Landon has moved on from just crawling slowly across the kitchen floor to racing across it. And he just figured out how to get down the step by backing his little self right down! If that's not logical-Josh Jones, then I don't know what is!

The dog crate is his motivation! He wants to be where Grant is all the time! :)

Thursday, July 22

First Day at the Beach!

Landon had his very first beach day yesterday with our dear friends Rob, Angela and 4 year old Isabel. What a great time we had playing in the sand, splashing in the water and eating a picnic lunch (Landon ate his first SANDwich too). More pictures soon! Look for the album called First Beach Day!

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Thursday, July 15


I know-he's 9 months old and I haven't written about him in weeks...maybe months? But, we HAVE had a lot going on around here...

Before we left for NC, Landon was pretty good at belly crawling if he had food motivation. (What did mom's ever do before "puffs"?) Now though-he has gotten really good at and he doesn't need any motivation other than will power! I think he'll figure out the real crawl soon-or maybe he'll just go ahead and walk. That's what his daddy did! If that's the case, please pray for us. Actually, go ahead and pray anyway!

More pics and videos soon. Promise!

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Saturday, July 10


The happy couple!!!!

More pics later!

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Thursday, June 24

Unpacking, Reorganizing, Losing Interest and...Belly Crawling!

My goodness...wasn't I doing the same thing this time LAST year? What is up with our timing!?! At least I'm not hugely pregnant this time! However, now that I think about was easier being pregnant and unpacking/cleaning/organizing a new house than it is to do so with a very cranky and teething 8 month old! Will I ever, ever, ever get this house straightened up? steps eh?

In other news, Landon has decided that he is no longer interested in nursing least not during daytime feedings. He likes his mommy milk when he wakes up (I guess I have a lot then) and he could take it or leave it during the day. In fact, he often gets very aggravated when I offer it to him. I have struggled so much with breastfeeding and I'm just about ready to throw in the towel. I guess I really can't control this (like I ever could?) and should just follow his lead. My question did babies like him survive before the creation of formula? Did their mothers just let them not drink anything until they got so thirsty and hungry that they had no other option but taking the breast again? Or did they just give them something else? Or maybe a lot of babies just didn't make it. I don't know...but what I do know, is what I feel. I feel guilty for not having enough milk for him. I feel sad that he doesn't have any interest in nursing me. I feel a little bit gypped that I am one of those mothers who actually wants to breastfeed...but am having such a hard time! And I know...everyone says not to put the pressure on myself about it, but how can you NOT? I'm supposed to be created to provide nourishment for him...for as long as I want to keep doing it. But apparently I'm not in control here...that is for sure!

More other news, Landon is mobile. Landon is MOBILE! Look out world...Landon is doing the belly crawl! I hope to figure out how to embed a video of him belly crawling below...however, I just tried it and it's not working. Go back to my main page and you can see a video from there for now...

He first started moving when he was determined to grab a "puff" from the floor. Now, Grant is quite a motivation for him as well. Enjoy the video...and if it doesn't work, enjoy the photos. :)

Sunday, June 13


HOME SWEET HOME!'s a picture of our new home. We've got some landscaping to do...and quite a lot of painting on the inside. More pictures to come once projects get completed...


That's the word of the day. My fingers hurt from scrubbing so much and so hard. My back hurts from scrubbing so hard while holding my 8 month-old-tomorrow-son-who-can't-be-put-down. My head hurts from working so hard in the 100 degree heat. And my toes hurt...why? I don't know. Ouch. This is why people with lots of money hire people to clean their new homes...too bad I'm not one of those people! Ouch.

Photo of the Day

Ahhhhh! We're moving!

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Saturday, June 12

Pray for Zack!!

Hi everyone...please pray for a little boy named Zack Mayo, age 11, who is fighting for his life in Chapel Hill. He was a student of mine in 1st grade when I taught in Wilmington. Lift him up in prayer this day that he has strength to fight and win this battle. Say his name over and over in your prayers! Zack needs a nationwide prayer chain and we can get this done for this precious child of God!

Here is a picture of Zack and his little brother....

Friday, June 11

Signed, on Tuesday!

Well...I haven't posted about this at all prior to now for fear of jinxing things...but Josh and I just bought our first house together as husband and wife. We know that some of you might be thinking, "huh? I thought the move to FL was temporary?" Well, it IS temporary-but we don't know when we'll move again and haven't been given any indication of it happening in the near future. So-tired of living in the anticipation of the future, we decided to just live in the present. We found a great house in St Pete and we were lucky to be getting a good deal! Look for more info coming soon...and pics too!

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Saturday, June 5

Still here...

We're still here. Just super busy. More info to come!

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Sunday, May 23

Driving to Church

This is me. In the S2000. With my hubby. No car seat. No baby. Is it a dream? Nope. Nana's in town...

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With Sally and Mac!
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Friday, May 21


Mom is less than 24 hours from being on her way to see us! She will arrive at PIE (St Petersburg Airport) around 1:30 tomorrow afternoon. We are so excited down here that we just don't know what to do...

What should I be doing? Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning...laundry, laundry, shopping, taking a shower, making baby food, running errands, etc., etc., etc....

What am I doing? Messing around on the computer, reading blogs, working on a project, listening to music, checking email, looking through pictures, washing dishes thinking about the dishes in the sink, etc., etc., etc...

Perhaps if I just remove myself from my computer I might get something else done before Landon wakes up from his nap. Where to begin?


He's what? I'll never get things done in time. Josh thinks I need Time Management Lessons...I think he's right.

Tuesday, May 18

First Strawberry!

I'm loving my first strawberry! My clothes are ruined, but I loved every drop of that juice! Yum-o!!!

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About Me

My photo
We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".