Thursday, June 24

Unpacking, Reorganizing, Losing Interest and...Belly Crawling!

My goodness...wasn't I doing the same thing this time LAST year? What is up with our timing!?! At least I'm not hugely pregnant this time! However, now that I think about was easier being pregnant and unpacking/cleaning/organizing a new house than it is to do so with a very cranky and teething 8 month old! Will I ever, ever, ever get this house straightened up? steps eh?

In other news, Landon has decided that he is no longer interested in nursing least not during daytime feedings. He likes his mommy milk when he wakes up (I guess I have a lot then) and he could take it or leave it during the day. In fact, he often gets very aggravated when I offer it to him. I have struggled so much with breastfeeding and I'm just about ready to throw in the towel. I guess I really can't control this (like I ever could?) and should just follow his lead. My question did babies like him survive before the creation of formula? Did their mothers just let them not drink anything until they got so thirsty and hungry that they had no other option but taking the breast again? Or did they just give them something else? Or maybe a lot of babies just didn't make it. I don't know...but what I do know, is what I feel. I feel guilty for not having enough milk for him. I feel sad that he doesn't have any interest in nursing me. I feel a little bit gypped that I am one of those mothers who actually wants to breastfeed...but am having such a hard time! And I know...everyone says not to put the pressure on myself about it, but how can you NOT? I'm supposed to be created to provide nourishment for him...for as long as I want to keep doing it. But apparently I'm not in control here...that is for sure!

More other news, Landon is mobile. Landon is MOBILE! Look out world...Landon is doing the belly crawl! I hope to figure out how to embed a video of him belly crawling below...however, I just tried it and it's not working. Go back to my main page and you can see a video from there for now...

He first started moving when he was determined to grab a "puff" from the floor. Now, Grant is quite a motivation for him as well. Enjoy the video...and if it doesn't work, enjoy the photos. :)

Sunday, June 13


HOME SWEET HOME!'s a picture of our new home. We've got some landscaping to do...and quite a lot of painting on the inside. More pictures to come once projects get completed...


That's the word of the day. My fingers hurt from scrubbing so much and so hard. My back hurts from scrubbing so hard while holding my 8 month-old-tomorrow-son-who-can't-be-put-down. My head hurts from working so hard in the 100 degree heat. And my toes hurt...why? I don't know. Ouch. This is why people with lots of money hire people to clean their new homes...too bad I'm not one of those people! Ouch.

Photo of the Day

Ahhhhh! We're moving!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Saturday, June 12

Pray for Zack!!

Hi everyone...please pray for a little boy named Zack Mayo, age 11, who is fighting for his life in Chapel Hill. He was a student of mine in 1st grade when I taught in Wilmington. Lift him up in prayer this day that he has strength to fight and win this battle. Say his name over and over in your prayers! Zack needs a nationwide prayer chain and we can get this done for this precious child of God!

Here is a picture of Zack and his little brother....

Friday, June 11

Signed, on Tuesday!

Well...I haven't posted about this at all prior to now for fear of jinxing things...but Josh and I just bought our first house together as husband and wife. We know that some of you might be thinking, "huh? I thought the move to FL was temporary?" Well, it IS temporary-but we don't know when we'll move again and haven't been given any indication of it happening in the near future. So-tired of living in the anticipation of the future, we decided to just live in the present. We found a great house in St Pete and we were lucky to be getting a good deal! Look for more info coming soon...and pics too!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Saturday, June 5

Still here...

We're still here. Just super busy. More info to come!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

About Me

My photo
We're the Jones family...est. 2005, Wilmington, living in St. Petersburg, FL. We just welcomed our first son, Landon into the family. Big brother Grant is very excited for the new "playmate".